Results for: tech time warp

Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Happy Birthday to pioneer in tech, Grace Hopper

Tech Time Warp: Happy Birthday to pioneer in tech, Grace Hopper

Admiral Grace Hopper, one of the most legendary early females in the computer industry, would have celebrated her 118th birthday on December 9. Born in New York City in 1906, Hopper built a career in the U.S. Navy and computer...

/ December 13, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Recording industry takes on file-sharing pioneer Napster

Tech Time Warp: Recording industry takes on file-sharing pioneer Napster

Twenty-five years ago, a generation of college students hit the jackpot when it came to music. They moved to college dormitories with ethernet connections just as Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker launched Napster, the first mainstream peer-to-peer file-sharing service. Or,...

/ December 6, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: A game “so simple that any drunk in any bar could play”

Tech Time Warp: A game “so simple that any drunk in any bar could play”

Sometimes the best ideas really are the simplest, and compared with the complexity of today’s video games or even some of its early pioneering contemporaries, that was the basis of Pong. Released on Nov. 29, 1972, Pong was—in the words...

/ November 29, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Conficker’s persistent ability to outsmart defenses

Tech Time Warp: Conficker’s persistent ability to outsmart defenses

For the past 16 years, Conficker has been a virulent piece of malware. First identified in November 2008, it continues to persist in legacy operating systems (looking at you, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003). Take a look back in...

/ November 22, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Apple releases the revolutionary iPod

Tech Time Warp: Apple releases the revolutionary iPod

Before the iPhone, there was the iPod. On Oct. 23, 2001, Steve Jobs introduced the iPod to a small audience—nothing like the Apple release events of later years. But then, Apple was not the juggernaut in 2001 that it is...

/ November 15, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Lo! Unto us the Internet is born

Tech Time Warp: Lo! Unto us the Internet is born

Amid all the breaking news this week, the internet celebrated its 55th birthday on Oct. 29. Dive into this milestone and more in this week’s edition of Tech Time Warp. On Oct. 29, 1969, two computers were first networked to...

/ November 1, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Sony hack proves spear phishing can have embarrassing results

Tech Time Warp: Sony hack proves spear phishing can have embarrassing results

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month winds down, it’s worth noting the upcoming 10-year anniversary of one of the most notorious spear phishing incidents: the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment hack. Learn all about it in this edition of Tech Time Warp. Frankly,...

/ October 25, 2024
Tech Time Warp: A seriously cautionary tale of spear phishing

Tech Time Warp: A seriously cautionary tale of spear phishing

One of the major messages of the #SecureOurWorld Cybersecurity Awareness Month is for computer users to educate themselves on how to recognize and reporting phishing schemes. One of the most insidious forms is spear phishing, which uses social engineering to...

/ October 18, 2024
Tech Time Warp: Cybersecurity’s evolving role in homeland security

Tech Time Warp: Cybersecurity’s evolving role in homeland security

Although Cybersecurity Awareness Month has been observed in some fashion for more than 20 years, the federal agency leading the effort to #SecureOurWorld has only existed since late 2018. Let’s dive into this week’s Tech Time Warp. The origin story...

/ October 11, 2024
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Time for pumpkins, ghosts, and cybersecurity awareness

Tech Time Warp: Time for pumpkins, ghosts, and cybersecurity awareness

If you’re reading this, you know it’s important to be cyber-aware 365 days a year, but for more than 20 years, October has been as synonymous in the tech world with cybersecurity as it is with pumpkins and ghosts. In...

/ October 4, 2024