Results for: tech time warp

Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Cracking the code on password safety, at least for now

Tech Time Warp: Cracking the code on password safety, at least for now

October 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This National Cybersecurity Alliance-coordinated event is an excellent time to remind colleagues, friends, and family about the important of protecting yourself online. In this week’s Tech Time Warp will look...

/ October 6, 2023
Tech Time Warp: Spilling the tea about HotJava

Tech Time Warp: Spilling the tea about HotJava

In the mid-1990s, when early internet users were first exposed to the online world via AOL CD-ROMs, websites were static places. You could find text, graphics, and some choppy audio and video. But that was about to change with the...

/ September 29, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: History of the first case of ransomware

Tech Time Warp: History of the first case of ransomware

In this week’s Tech Time Warp, we look at the recent cybersecurity news out of Las Vegas sounds like something from Ocean’s 11, no matter whether your taste runs to Frank Sinatra or George Clooney: two of the world’s largest...

/ September 22, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Nimda worm slows traffic with multiple propagation methods

Tech Time Warp: Nimda worm slows traffic with multiple propagation methods

In this week’s Tech Time Warp, we look back to September 2001. While the world was reeling from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, hackers unleashed a new threat: a worm that could modify existing websites to trick users into downloading malware....

/ September 15, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Woz dabbles in music festivals

Tech Time Warp: Woz dabbles in music festivals

In this week’s Tech Time Warp we discuss how we all know Steve Wozniak as the co-founder of Apple—but did you know Woz also dabbled in rock festivals? Forty-one years ago, while on hiatus from Apple after a plane crash,...

/ September 1, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Why the Panix attack was a wake-up call

Tech Time Warp: Why the Panix attack was a wake-up call

In this week’s Tech Time Warp, we take a look at how a work emergency is never good news—and when notice of it comes late on a Friday afternoon, it’s even worse. Especially when the news is that your internet...

/ August 25, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Happy birthday to SHARE, the first computer user group

Tech Time Warp: Happy birthday to SHARE, the first computer user group

In this week’s edition of Tech Time Warp, we look at troubleshooting computer issues—or at least finding information about ideas to try—is far easier than it used to be. Simply type a description of the issue you’re experiencing into a...

/ August 18, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Worm named Code Red wakes users up to security risks

Tech Time Warp: Worm named Code Red wakes users up to security risks

In this week’s tech time warp we look at how, following a month of DDoS attacks and security bulletins—including an attack on—computer users were on high alert Aug. 1, 2001, as they waited to see whether the Code Red...

/ August 4, 2023
Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Barbie’s complicated relationship with STEM

Tech Time Warp: Barbie’s complicated relationship with STEM

In this week’s tech time warp, we’re taking a look at Barbie—yes, the iconic doll turned blockbuster movie heroine. She has had a complicated relationship with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) would be an understatement. Teen Talk Barbie, released...

/ July 28, 2023
tech time warp
Tech Time Warp: How human error leads to July 1997 email outage

Tech Time Warp: How human error leads to July 1997 email outage

This week’s Tech Time Warp looks at how, in a world that’s so utterly reliant on the internet, service outages are hardly uncommon anymore, whether they’re the result of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, like that which caused Microsoft...

/ July 21, 2023