Tag: Digital Business

Digital business transformation needs driving demands for MSPs
A survey of 1,000 technology leaders conducted by Logicalis finds well over half (57 percent) expect to work more closely with managed service providers (MSPs) to achieve digital business transformation goals.

Digital business initiatives spur demand for data management expertise
Many organizations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have been accelerating their digital business transformation initiatives as part of an effort to continue operating at a time when it’s often not easy to engage in person. The challenge those...

Organizations are betting on IT like never before
Historically, anytime there has been a sharp economic downturn, investments in IT have tended to suffer. Fortunately, the economic downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be something altogether different. Recent financial results, from Intel and Microsoft especially,...

How savvy MSPs can overcome internal IT team objections
Managed service providers (MSPs) regularly encounter internal IT teams that are firmly convinced they can provide any IT service better and at a lower cost. The cost comparison usually doesn’t include the true fully-loaded cost of hiring a full-time employee...

Rise of digital business enables MSPs to elevate IT conversation
Digital business transformation may be the latest buzzword phrase to come down the marketing pike, but in terms of elevating the conversation around IT, this shift in understanding the true value of IT may turn out to be the best...

Digital business transformation creates data management opportunities for MSPs
A lot of hype has been generated about the need to turn data into a strategic business asset as part of a digital business transformation. But, it turns out that the biggest impediment to realizing that vision is reliance on...

Digital assistants to become pervasive in 2018
The one thing made clear this week at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is that digital assistants will soon be everywhere. Google, for example, used to the conference to showcase how Google Assistant with challenge rival digital assistant software from...

Digital business transformation emerges as top concern for business leaders
The most important thing any managed service provider needs to understand when wooing a new client is their state of mind. Not every customer has the same priorities. But, a recent survey of 728 business executives and board members conducted...

Digital business transformation expectations likely to lead to high turnover
Most IT leaders today are being asked by to perform a magic trick. On the one hand, they are being tasked with driving IT that will help materially reinvent the business, also known as digital business transformation. At the same...

Reliance on external IT services shows steady gains
A global survey of 890 CIOs shows that the percentage of IT managed by external IT services providers is climbing at a slow but steady pace. Conducted by The Logicalis Group, a reseller and provider of managed IT services, the...