Tag: Pioneers in Tech

Pioneers in Tech: Ada Lovelace and the analytical engine

Pioneers in Tech: Ada Lovelace and the analytical engine

Many tech pioneers have a similar dossier: male, came of age in the late 1970s, dropped out of college, made millions building computers in their garage/dorm room/basement. Then, there’s Ada Lovelace: an 1800s female with a backstory suitable for a...

/ June 12, 2020
Pioneers in Tech: Grace Murray Hopper, the “Mother of Computing”

Pioneers in Tech: Grace Murray Hopper, the “Mother of Computing”

As you celebrate the moms in your life this weekend, raise a glass to Grace Murray Hopper, also known as the “Mother of Computing,” the “Mother of COBOL” or simply “Amazing Grace.” And amazing she was. This technology trailblazer advocated...

/ May 7, 2020 / 1 Comment