Tag: Tech Time Warp

Tech Time Warp is a weekly feature that looks back at interesting moments and milestones in tech history.

Tech Time Warp: Michael Dell launches his empire from a dorm room

Tech Time Warp: Michael Dell launches his empire from a dorm room

Think back to your freshman year of college and the activities that ensued in your dorm room: Cramming for tests? Late night pizza? Perhaps some partying? Great memories, right? At least until you compare your freshman year experience to Michael...

/ May 1, 2020 / 6 Comments
Tech Time Warp: Bill Gates and the blue screen of death

Tech Time Warp: Bill Gates and the blue screen of death

We’ve all been there: A big presentation in front of the boss is felled by tech trouble. The Wi-Fi goes down, the HDMI cable suddenly fails, an unfortunate video autoplays, etc. Next time this happens, all you need to do...

/ April 24, 2020
Tech Time Warp: The 411 on the 414s

Tech Time Warp: The 411 on the 414s

Some hackers break into networks in search of confidential information, often with the idea of selling it on the dark web. Others want to disrupt a competitor’s operations. But for some, the hacking itself is the primary goal: Can it...

/ April 17, 2020 / 1 Comment
Tech Time Warp: Looking back at the world of phone phreaks

Tech Time Warp: Looking back at the world of phone phreaks

The disturbing phenomenon of Zoom-bombing has made attempts to conduct normal business (such as a city council meeting) difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom’s simplicity makes it widely accessible yet open to security flaws. It’s interesting to note the videoconferencing...

/ April 10, 2020
Tech Time Warp: Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema unleash SATAN on the world

Tech Time Warp: Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema unleash SATAN on the world

Amid the health, economic, and technology concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s nice to take a break and look back at a simpler time. This week, we take a look back to when a Purdue University student named Dan...

/ April 3, 2020
Tech Time Warp: A look back at the first VPN

Tech Time Warp: A look back at the first VPN

As more white collar employees are instructed to work from home to contain the spread of COVID-19, there has been an abrupt uptick in VPN usage. It’s estimated VPN use has increased almost 66 percent since March 11, 2020, in...

/ March 27, 2020
Tech Time Warp: The evolution of videoconferencing

Tech Time Warp: The evolution of videoconferencing

Remember a couple of weeks ago, before you knew the term “social distancing,” when you dreaded your next conference call? Fast forward a few days, and your next Zoom/GoToMeeting/WebEx is your lifeline to the outside world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

/ March 20, 2020
Tech Time Warp: Twitter takes flight at SXSW 2007

Tech Time Warp: Twitter takes flight at SXSW 2007

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey made headlines this year as one of the first big names to pull out of the now-canceled SXSW 2020 — due to the spread of Coronavirus. With the hallways of the Austin Convention Center empty this...

/ March 13, 2020
Tech Time Warp: MyLife virus tempts users with screensavers

Tech Time Warp: MyLife virus tempts users with screensavers

Sometimes a computer user gets tired of flying toasters. That was the gamble taken by the creators of MyLife, a worm with multiple variants infecting PCs in March and April 2002.

/ March 6, 2020
Tech Time Warp: The Leap Year Bug, Y2K’s lesser known counterpart

Tech Time Warp: The Leap Year Bug, Y2K’s lesser known counterpart

As we like to chuckle about now, Y2K ended up being a bit of a yawn. But do you recall the year 2000’s other calendar-based tech issue, the Leap Year Bug? Ultimately, it didn’t result in any major catastrophes either,...

/ February 28, 2020