Tag: Trojan
Tech Time Warp: O CHRISTMA tree, O CHRISTMA tree, your exec is not so amazing
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! That doesn’t mean you should let your guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s a lesson some computer users learned the hard way in December 1987. In this edition of Tech...
Tech Time Warp: History of the first case of ransomware
In this week’s Tech Time Warp, we look at the recent cybersecurity news out of Las Vegas sounds like something from Ocean’s 11, no matter whether your taste runs to Frank Sinatra or George Clooney: two of the world’s largest...
Three things to know about banking trojans
The failures of three large banks earlier this year sent shockwaves through the public. A banking crisis makes (almost) everyone nervous, which in turn creates new opportunities for social engineering, phishing, and other attacks designed to get your money. One attack we...
Tech Time Warp: Mocmex sneaks in via digital photo frame
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” is the old saying associated with the story of the Trojan horse—the same story that gives Trojan viruses their name. In 2008, however, a more appropriate saying would have been “Beware of relatives bearing digital...
Tech Time Warp: Zeus, Ruler of Malware?
The Zeus malware, like its Greek god namesake, is a powerful and virile Trojan malware. Since it first surfaced in July 2007 in an attack on the U.S. Department of Transportation, Zeus, aka Zbot, and its variants have wreaked havoc on the...
Tech Time Warp: Klez.H virus confuses with spoofed emails
It is possible the creator of Klez was rather indecisive. The malware, which confounded computer users in the early 2000s, was all at once a virus, a worm, and a Trojan horse. Basically, Klez contained every trick in the hacker...
Tech Time Warp: Mocmex sneaks in via digital photo frame
“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” is the old saying associated with the story of the Trojan horse — the same story that gives Trojan viruses their name. In 2008, a more appropriate saying would have been “beware of relatives bearing...
Tech Time Warp: Microsoft chases a storm
In early 2007, network administrators began dealing with a trojan that grew into a massive botnet and even stumped Microsoft for more than a year. The Storm worm initially spread via email, promising the recipient news about dangerous storms in...