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Ask an MSP Expert

Staying ahead of the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape requires more than just technological prowess from a managed service providers (MSP). It demands a deep understanding of industry dynamics, and a robust network built off trust and collaboration.

In the inaugural episode of “MSP Business Talk,” host Jules Lagae had the privilege of sitting down with Daniel Ekroth, CIO of Touchstone IT and the Sparc Group, one of Sweden’s most dynamic MSPs. With over 19 years in IT and cybersecurity, Daniel offers a treasure trove of insights into how he and his team have turned challenges into opportunities. Continue reading this edition of Ask an MSP Expert to learn how you can apply these insights to elevate your own MSP business.

Q: What is one key quality that has contributed to the success of your MSP? 

I’d say the main quality is to be understanding. It’s essential to build trust and understanding with both customers and partners. This means engaging in relationships rather than just selling products, which helps build a loyal network. 

Q: What advice do you have for balancing small short-term deals with long-term deals? 

We put a lot of focus on maintaining a healthy pipeline with small, reliable deals to ensure a steady flow of business. We don’t put too much emphasis on large deals, as they can be risky. Aim to balance both small and big deals to ensure you have accountable deals to sustain your business. 

Q: How did Sparc Group manage the rapid growth and integration of new companies? 

We established clear responsibilities within our structure early on by dividing tasks among specialized entities like Touchstone and UCS, focusing on core areas such as cybersecurity delivery and service support. This approach allowed us to manage the influx of new businesses effectively while maintaining operational efficiency. 

Q: What is the role of trust and collaboration in the MSP industry based on your experience? 

Trust and collaboration is the foundation in the MSP industry. Building strong, trustworthy relationships with customers and partners allows for better coordination and boosts knowledge sharing. It’s important to be generous with knowledge and support each other, as this collaborative approach helps everyone succeed and fosters a more resilient industry overall. 

To thrive in the competitive world of managed services, it’s not enough to rely solely on advanced technology. As Daniel highlighted, success hinges on understanding industry dynamics, fostering trust, and nurturing collaborative relationships. By focusing on these key elements, MSPs can transform challenges into opportunities, ensuring both stability and growth. 

Are you interested in learning more? Check out the YouTube interview now to hear the rest of David’s insights for the MSP industry

Photo: kohanova/ Shutterstock

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Jules Lagae

Posted by Jules Lagae

Jules is an MSP field marketing manager at Barracuda.

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