Lessons from a prospect
Working in the MSP space, we’re well-acquainted with strange technical issues. Whenever we’re dealing with users, we’ll occasionally receive baffling complaints or inquiries. During one of our recent sales team meetings, John Pojeta, our VP of Business Development, told an...
3 tools for coaxing the truth out of prospects
You won’t find conversations where white lies are more plentiful than those with prospects. They like to play their cards close to the chest, especially early on in the relationship. How many times have you asked how happy they are...
3 big marketing developments for MSPs
It was nearly 2,500 years ago when Greek philosopher Heraclitus proclaimed, “Change is the only constant in life.” Two and a half millennia later, his words still ring true.
Close more clients with B.A.M.F.A.M.
A motto has caught on around our office, and we are seeing it spread to our MSP clients as well. The motto is “B.A.M.F.A.M.” which stands for “book a meeting from a meeting.”
Don’t turtle up, take charge
On paper, every business wants to be a leader. You want to lead your category, your industry, and your region. You want to be number one and reap all of the benefits with rising to the top of a competitive...
The hidden sales bias that hurts your business
Technology professionals, perhaps more than any other group, tend to have open minds. Our industry is driven by innovation, and we are perpetually wrangling updates and seizing the opportunities that a new development enables for us and for our clients....
Brad Stoller: Addressing unspoken obstacles in sales
After several years of meeting with MSP prospects, you will have likely begun to get a sixth sense for elements of the conversation that are left unsaid but are influencing how your prospect thinks about you and whether or not...
Brad Stoller: 3 Sales insights from the world of chess
From the outside, the mind of a grandmaster chess champion can seem superhuman. Playing against a seasoned chess player can feel like playing against a mind-reader. Your opponent across the table has an answer for every move you make, and...
Brad Stoller: The Return on a Non-Close
When we start our businesses or start our careers in MSP sales, we are told early on that just because a prospect says “no” today doesn’t mean they won’t become a prospect in the future. Yeah, yeah, but you need...
Brad Stoller: Is talent temptation hurting your sales pipeline?
When it comes to growing a business, talent can be both a blessing and a curse. That might sound like a strange idea at first, but having natural talents can influence the choices we make and impact the growth of...