Richard Tubb

All posts by Richard Tubb

Richard Tubb is a blogger, speaker, and author from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in the Northeast of England. He provides expert advice to help MSPs grow their IT business, and he has helped the owners of hundreds of MSPs to free up their time, concentrate on doing what is important, and make more money.

Your biggest client might not be the most profitable

Your biggest client might not be the most profitable

As the owner of an IT Solution Provider or Managed Service Provider (MSP) business, if I asked you who was your biggest client, you’d probably be able to tell me. Our thoughts immediately jump to the client who brings us...

/ August 11, 2020
Why you need to document your MSP business NOW

Why you need to document your MSP business NOW

What would you say is the most crucial aspect of being able to grow your IT Solution Provider or Managed Service Provider (MSP) business? Marketing? For sure. You can be the best IT company in the world, but if nobody...

/ July 7, 2020 / 4 Comments
Opportunities for MSPs in working from home

Opportunities for MSPs in working from home

Throughout the COVID-19 global pandemic, IT solution providers and managed service providers (MSPs) became essential workers in keeping the small businesses of the world running. In March 2020, service desks found themselves inundated with clients wanting to work from home....

/ June 9, 2020
Post COVID-19, what’s next for your MSP?

Post COVID-19, what’s next for your MSP?

It’s been a challenging time for IT solution providers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs). The COVID-19 pandemic saw an unprecedented upswing in support requests to MSP Helpdesks, as the world suddenly moved to a Work from Home (WFH) set up....

/ May 12, 2020
How long should my MSP contracts last?

How long should my MSP contracts last?

How long should you ask your managed services clients to commit to? This is a question that I’m frequently asked by IT Solution Providers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and my answer is always that “It depends!” The length of...

/ April 21, 2020 / 2 Comments
How to structure your MSP alliances with other technology companies

How to structure your MSP alliances with other technology companies

I recently wrote an article for SmarterMSP on why your MSP should build strategic alliances, which received a lot of good feedback. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) were intrigued at the concept of building strategic alliances (or “buddying up”) with other...

/ March 3, 2020 / 13 Comments
How to become your vendor’s favourite MSP partner

How to become your vendor’s favourite MSP partner

When I’m helping IT Solution Providers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs), I often ask them the question, “What is your relationship like with your vendor partners?” They often look at me blankly or reply, “What relationship?” If you want to...

/ February 17, 2020
Why you should make time to attend MSP conferences

Why you should make time to attend MSP conferences

The IT conference season is a very busy period when dozens of conferences aimed at IT Solution Providers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) take place worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, there will be an MSP-focused conference near to...

/ October 21, 2019
The power of peer groups

The power of peer groups

I was recently asked by a Managed Service Provider (MSP) owner what the one thing is that would help him build a successful IT Solution Provider business. I think this particular business owner was expecting me to share a book...

/ September 30, 2019 / 2 Comments
To grow your MSP business, you need to lead by example

To grow your MSP business, you need to lead by example

As the owner of a managed service business, do you understand the importance of leading by example? In an previous article, I wrote about why your MSP should eat its own dog food. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should...

/ August 12, 2019