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Welcome to The Cloud 5, our weekly feature where we scour the web searching for the five most intriguing and poignant cloud links we can find.

Before we jump into this week’s links, please have a look at one of our recent blog posts, Okta has healthy quarter as cloud log-in business continues to thrive. Okta has become the identity layer of the cloud. It went public earlier this year, and so far things are looking mostly positive.

And without further delay, here we go with this week’s links:

Large enterprises abandon data centers for the cloud | Networkworld

The party line these days says most enterprise companies are living in a hybrid world between on-prem data centers and the cloud, but at AWS re:Invent last week, it seems that there were many large companies trying to get out of the data center altogether.

Is AWS Winning the Cloud Fight? | Cloud Technology Partners Blog

AWS got its chance to show off to its customers last week at the re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, and there were sure a lot of announcements. This piece looks at some of the major ones and concludes that AWS is still the undisputed leader in the cloud.

How Pinterest doubled down on containers and Kubernetes | GeekWire

While Pinterest was an early cloud success story, it recognizes that times are changing and it is the in midst of a massive shift from virtual machines, the building blocks of traditional cloud computing to one built around containers and Kubernetes, the container orchestration tool.

Cloud computing will drive $554B in revenue by 2021 | SiliconANGLE

If you didn’t notice, the cloud has become a pretty big deal. Many companies are in the midst of shifting workloads to public cloud vendors like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, but we it is still really early on and the cloud market could explode in the next five years.

VMware CEO cites partnerships with Amazon, IBM and Dell as keys to turnaround | Silicon Valley Business Journal

For a time, VMware was a company that was floundering. It was caught between the data center and the cloud. After failing at its own public cloud, it got smarter about its approach and began aggressively partnering with some big players like Amazon, IBM, and Dell. That has led to a turnaround for the company.

Photo Credit: Ron Miller. Used under CC 2.0 license.

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Ron Miller

Posted by Ron Miller

Ron Miller is a freelance technology reporter and blogger. He is contributing editor at EContent Magazine and enterprise reporter at TechCrunch.

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