Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

cold calling
Cold calling tips for MSPs: Should I focus on a specific offering?

Cold calling tips for MSPs: Should I focus on a specific offering?

One of the first questions a client usually asks me is whether or not they should focus on a particular offering when they are looking for new business via cold calling. The answer is a very definitive “Sometimes!”

/ May 13, 2015
Recipes for Success: Learn how to simplify the way you package your MSP offering

Recipes for Success: Learn how to simplify the way you package your MSP offering

Let’s face it. As a managed service provider, your life can be complicated. Between keeping up with help desk tickets, managing routine backups and maintenance, and fielding other customer requests—not to mention trying to sell your services to new prospects—you have...

/ April 28, 2015
How to use SEO to improve your MSP website

How to use SEO to improve your MSP website

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about establishing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to increase traffic to your MSP website? Is it keywords? Link building? Google’s search ranking methods? I’m guessing the answer is...

/ April 8, 2015
cold calling tips
Cold calling tips for MSPs: How to respond to “We already have that”

Cold calling tips for MSPs: How to respond to “We already have that”

If you’ve added cold calling to your sales and marketing strategy, you’ve likely been told “No, thank you!” in more ways than you can count.  Rejection and objections are part of the process, and there are multiple ways to navigate...

/ March 11, 2015 / 1 Comment
cold calling for MSPs
5 Reasons MSPs need to stop making excuses and start making cold calls

5 Reasons MSPs need to stop making excuses and start making cold calls

Call it cold calling.  Call it telemarketing.  Call it prospecting.  Call it whatever you want, but start doing it.  I’ll bet you just thought of a bunch of reasons why you aren’t using cold calling to grow your business.  I’m...

/ February 11, 2015
How do I track technicians’ work without creating mistrust?

How do I track technicians’ work without creating mistrust?

Q: My technicians monitor massive amounts of sensitive data and have access to multiple high-security clearance networks. How can I track them without creating an atmosphere of mistrust? MSP technicians are the guardians of the galaxy when it comes to...

/ January 11, 2021
How can I demonstrate more value to managed service customers?

How can I demonstrate more value to managed service customers?

Q: My MSP has had trouble in maintaining customer satisfaction customers. What part of our partnership, beyond our traditional delivery of services, should we highlight to demonstrate our value to their SMB businesses? Many managed service providers (MSPs) are initially...

/ December 21, 2020
Helping technicians deliver onsite IT support during COVID-19

Helping technicians deliver onsite IT support during COVID-19

Q: As an MSP owner, what can I do to help my technicians deliver IT support during COVID-19 safely, while still meeting client needs? As many workers continue to be fully-remote, IT service companies are finding themselves forced to send...

/ July 13, 2020
Protecting remote workers from COVID-19 phishing attacks

Protecting remote workers from COVID-19 phishing attacks

Q: One of our customers’ remote workers recently clicked a phishing link. While we were able to prevent the attack from ultimately being successful, this is quite concerning, especially since remote workers are not within a secured network. How can...

/ May 18, 2020 / 1 Comment
How to take a security-centric approach with your RMM

How to take a security-centric approach with your RMM

Q: We recognize that cybersecurity needs to be a priority for our MSP. How can we use the tools we have — or similar tools — to recognize vulnerabilities and anomalies in our customers’ network?  Cybercriminals are very good at...

/ October 14, 2019