Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

Tech Time Warp: The Marconi Wireless Hack of 1903

Tech Time Warp: The Marconi Wireless Hack of 1903

Technology history is filled with the stories of ethical hackers, as well as the intellectually curious seeking to prove a point. (See the stories of punch card expert René Carmille and the British journalists who hacked into Prince Philip’s inbox.)...

/ December 3, 2021
Tech Time Warp: eBay Inc. gets its start

Tech Time Warp: eBay Inc. gets its start

What are your Labor Day weekend plans? Chances are they won’t prove as lucrative as those of Pierre Omidyar back in 1995, who spent his three-day weekend launching a website called AuctionWeb from his San Jose home. We now know...

/ September 3, 2021
Security awareness training can save businesses from ransomware

Security awareness training can save businesses from ransomware

As businesses continue to suffer millions in losses from ransomware and other hacks, experts have repeatedly pointed to security awareness training as one of the most effective – and cheapest – tools for an MSP to wield against these types...

/ August 11, 2021 / 1 Comment
Gone fishin’: Prime time for a cyberattack

Gone fishin’: Prime time for a cyberattack

With a seemingly sudden rash of successful ransomware attacks in recent months, it didn’t surprise some cybersecurity experts warning about the next cyberattack event. “When I first heard about the ransomware wave, I looked at the calendar and said `oh...

/ August 4, 2021 / 1 Comment
IoT is exposing networks to cybersecurity vulnerabilities

IoT is exposing networks to cybersecurity vulnerabilities

Businesses that have been fortifying their computers against ransomware and other threats could be overlooking additional vulnerabilities within their ecosystem. While the office computers may be as secure as Fort Knox, IoT devices such as the copier, scanner, digital signage,...

/ July 21, 2021
How to write a sales email to prepare prospects to talk

How to write a sales email to prepare prospects to talk

Despite a wave of technology-driven sales tactics, email still remains an effective marketing tool in terms of return on investment (ROI) for small to medium-sized MSPs. Even though any MSP can say they know How to Write a Sales Email,...

/ July 6, 2021
USB flash drives and their cybersecurity dangers

USB flash drives and their cybersecurity dangers

As cloud storage has grown in popularity, the use of USB flash drives has declined in many settings. The decline in popularity of USB flash drives, however, hasn’t necessarily diminished their threat, as they are still a common tool in some...

/ June 30, 2021 / 2 Comments
Tech Time Warp: Stuxnet takes malware to the next level

Tech Time Warp: Stuxnet takes malware to the next level

Today’s action movies and thrillers routinely feature some hacker-type who—armed with a laptop in a chunky military-grade case—can infiltrate the most impenetrable of digital fortresses in a few furious keystrokes. But in the real-life case of Stuxnet, first detected in...

/ June 18, 2021 / 8 Comments
Rising travel brings increased cybersecurity risks

Rising travel brings increased cybersecurity risks

With the pandemic easing considerably in the United States and receding in other countries, business travel is starting to return to pre-pandemic levels. But normal travel can also bring with it a host of cybersecurity dangers. Forbes Magazine illustrated the...

/ June 16, 2021
Ransomware causes critical damage for businesses around the world

Ransomware causes critical damage for businesses around the world

With a rash of ransomware attacks on high-profile American companies in recent weeks, the government is urging businesses to fortify their defenses across all verticals. Ransomware has recently gone beyond holding a single business’s data hostage and is now creating mayhem...

/ June 9, 2021