Let’s play acronym salad: Why MFA and SSO should be in your WFH BYOO offering

Let’s play acronym salad: Why MFA and SSO should be in your WFH BYOO offering

Previously, I wrote a piece on the role that bring your own office (BYOO) plays as the ‘new normal’ post-COVID environment of decentralised working becomes more widespread. BYOO and working from home (WFH) means that an organisation has far less...

/ April 6, 2022
Moving from BYOD to BYOO: the opportunities for MSPs

Moving from BYOD to BYOO: the opportunities for MSPs

Organisations have long struggled to manage the pivot from the use of employer-provided devices to those being sourced and purchased by the employee. The sheer diversity of devices and the lack of the means to monitor, manage, and secure them...

/ February 7, 2022 / 8 Comments