Tag: hacker

Tech Time Warp: Everybody was kung fu fighting

Tech Time Warp: Everybody was kung fu fighting

This week’s Tech Time Warp goes back twenty-nine years ago, when one of the more convoluted chapters in technology history was being written. Research scientist Tsutomu Shimomura was enjoying a Christmas vacation in Lake Tahoe when he received a troubling...

/ December 29, 2023
Tech Time Warp: The Love Bug Bites

Tech Time Warp: The Love Bug Bites

One might say more than 3 million computer users had a bad date on May 4, 2000. In this week’s edition of Tech Time Warp, we’re going back to the day those users downloaded the ILOVEYOU virus, a Visual Basic...

/ May 6, 2022
Lost and hopefully not found (by a hacker)

Lost and hopefully not found (by a hacker)

The combination of people gradually returning to offices and corporate campuses and the proliferation of BYOD (bring your own device) during the pandemic is not only causing headaches for CISOs and MSPs, but it’s also resulting in cybersecurity problems. “We...

/ March 30, 2022 / 10 Comments
Tech Time Warp: Hungarian hacker attempts to extort a job

Tech Time Warp: Hungarian hacker attempts to extort a job

Most people seeking employment dust off their resumes, respond to listings on Indeed, and wait to be called in for interviews. But, the subject of this week’s Tech Time warp, the Hungarian hacker Attila Nemeth, took a more colorful approach.

/ February 4, 2022
Tech Time Warp: The arrest of hacker Kevin Mitnick

Tech Time Warp: The arrest of hacker Kevin Mitnick

The story of the man who calls himself the “world’s most famous hacker” contains a moral: It’s often the human element, not the high-tech, that allows intrusion into the most secure of systems — and allows hackers to exist in...

/ February 14, 2020