Tag: hacks

Tech Time Warp: The Marconi Wireless Hack of 1903
Technology history is filled with the stories of ethical hackers, as well as the intellectually curious seeking to prove a point. (See the stories of punch card expert René Carmille and the British journalists who hacked into Prince Philip’s inbox.)...

Good security is about controlling what you can control
Last year was a terrible year in so many respects, so it’s not overly surprising that there were a number of historic hacks. Some of these were so vast and so all-encompassing, it could make you feel like you can’t...

Your next hack could arrive by snail mail
When you think about getting hacked, you probably imagine hackers using stolen credentials, undertaking a phishing attack, or exploiting a vulnerability in your network. What you probably don’t expect is for them to come through the front door, and access...

Tech Time Warp: Prince Philip’s inbox gets hacked
Harry and Meghan might grab headlines for their privacy settlements and use of social media, but the younger royals are hardly breaking new ground. You might say they’re just following in the family’s footsteps. In 1985, two hackers were arrested...

Making sense of sensors
From pacemakers, to industrial thermostats, to traffic regulation devices, sensors are becoming as ubiquitous as the human population itself. Experts predict that 1 trillion networked sensors will be transmitting data around the world by 2022, emitting information from the mundane to the meaningful....

Yahoo’s $50M damages bill demonstrates the high cost of poor security
Years ago there was a commercial for oil filters in which the spokesperson warned that you could pay him a few dollars for a filter or pay a mechanic later for an expensive repair. “Pay me now, or pay him...