Tag: malvertising

Malvertising makes a comeback

Malvertising makes a comeback

Malvertising is nothing new. But often times for hackers, what’s old is new again. “Cybersecurity is like a game of whack-a-mole, you punch one threat down, and it pops up someplace else later,” says Max Jennings, a cybersecurity expert in...

/ February 8, 2023
A threat to watch in 2020

A threat to watch in 2020

Each year brings new threats, evolutions of old ones, and the typical arms-race between the good guys and the bad guys. One of the virtual battlefields expected to be active this year based on end-of-2019 trends: online advertising.

/ January 8, 2020
Malware resurges with an advertising disguise

Malware resurges with an advertising disguise

Online advertisements can be irresistible. With a TV ad, you have to endure a 30-second spot pushing Corn Flakes or denture cream, whether you have any interest in those items or not. Online ads, however, are targeted to your interests....

/ July 24, 2019