Tag: state sponsored hacks

The risks of state-sponsored cyberattacks are rising
When tensions between Iran and the United States threatened to spill over into an all-out war, concern immediately turned towards state-sponsored cyberattacks. Tom Reagan, U.S. cyber practice leader at Marsh, an insurance brokerage and risk management consulting firm, told CNBC...

Cybersecurity opportunities for MSPs in 2020
Buckle up because 2020 promises to be quite a ride for MSPs that offer cybersecurity services. The MSP Expo, the annual gathering of stakeholders from across the spectrum, has declared that “2020 will be the year of MSP cybersecurity.” We...

Four areas MSPs need to consider while transitioning to 5G
For years we’ve anticipated 5G’s arrival, and as we approach 2020, you’ll be hearing about it more and more. Welcome to a world where data is transferred up to 100 times faster than current speeds. Countries like South Korea and...

When it comes to security, you’re never done
It’s safe to say that 2018 wasn’t a great year for security. Even the biggest companies in the world struggled to defend themselves against the constant onslaught of hacking attempts.