Tag: threats

Threat Spotlight: Evolving ‘we know where you live’ tactics personalize sextortion scams
Sextortion scams are a type of extortion where criminals attempt to extort money from victims by threatening to release explicit images or videos unless demands are met. Leveraging usernames and passwords stolen in data breaches, criminals contact victims and claim...

A SOC’s view on 2024 cybersecurity trends
In the world of cybersecurity, threats are constantly evolving. Therefore, by throwing a spotlight on 2024 cyber trends, while considering what occurred in 2023, we can adapt our defenses and anticipate new emerging threats. Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a...

Beyond ransomware: A look at other malware threats
There continues to be a lot of focus on ransomware and how it continues to infiltrate companies and institutions. But ignoring “good old-fashioned malware” – a catch-all term for a huge grab-bag of nasty stuff, including DDoS, credential swiping, bank account scraping,...

Growing risk in the financial services sector creates opportunity for MSPs
MSPs specializing in, or who have clients operating in the financial services sector, should take special note of an annual report highlighting the current risks. With global turmoil, supply chain issues and the pandemic, the financial services sector is ripe...