Tag: Windows

Malware targeted Windows users in Q1 2020
A new security report released by AV-Test showed some startling, but not surprising, malware statistics. The key takeaway from the study: Computers that run Windows are most prone to attacks by hackers. The AV-Test report discovered that 114 million new pieces of...

Tech Time Warp: Was the Welchia Worm well-intended?
As the old saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right — especially if the second “wrong” is a computer worm, albeit a benevolent one. In August 2003, hundreds of thousands of PCs were infected by the Blaster worm, which...

Tech Time Warp: Appreciate Windows 3.1 for all of its 16-bit glory
If you’re in search of some nostalgia on April 6, head over to the Internet Archive to celebrate the 27th anniversary of Microsoft’s release of Windows 3.1. Thanks to the hard work of dedicated developers, you can once again play...