Tag: Yahoo

Pioneers in Tech: Happy birthday to Chief Yahoo David Filo
You’ve heard of Ben and Jerry, but are you as familiar with Jerry and David? Unless you’re a keen watcher of Silicon Valley, perhaps not. But the website founded in 1994 as “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide...

How to help your clients comply with new Google and Yahoo email requirements
When it comes to email security, most of the focus is on what happens when a malicious email is received. Optimally, a multi-layered approach will help filter out phishing emails and other attacks via technology and user training. But some...

Enhancing email security: Navigating new Google and Yahoo DMARC changes
In the evolving landscape of email security, major players like Google and Yahoo are implementing new DMARC (domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance) requirements set to roll out in early 2024. These changes present a unique opportunity to proactively safeguard K-12...

Tech Time Warp: Yahoo! domain name registered
Like many tech companies that made it big, Yahoo! has a rather inauspicious origin story. Initially, Yahoo! was the pet project of Jerry Yang and David Filo, graduate students in electrical engineering at Stanford University. “Jerry’s Guide to the World...

Yahoo’s $50M damages bill demonstrates the high cost of poor security
Years ago there was a commercial for oil filters in which the spokesperson warned that you could pay him a few dollars for a filter or pay a mechanic later for an expensive repair. “Pay me now, or pay him...