Q: I’m getting close to closing a deal with a new customer, but they’re not that comfortable with technology and seem nervous about backing things up in the cloud. They keep asking about how reliable it really is. What can I say to reassure them and make them understand I have a backup solution they can count on?
Making the switch to cloud backup and trusting a service provider to take care of it and keep their data safe can be a big leap of faith for a small business owner. Basically, they want to know that their data won’t just disappear into thin air because it’s in the cloud.
Explaining as much as you can about how your cloud backup solution works, where their data is kept, the safety measures that are in place, and what you’ll be doing to monitor the process will go a long way to address their concerns. Keep it simple and use plain language, especially if you know the customer isn’t that tech-savvy. You don’t want to overwhelm them. You just want to make it clear that their data will be safe.
We talked to Abbey Greene, a partner management specialist at Intronis MSP Solutions, and got her advice on how to explain what makes cloud backup a reliable option.
Explain what data centers are—and what makes them so safe
When I talk to an MSP partner who’s dealing with something like this, I suggest starting out by telling the customer that their data will be backed up in a certified data center. In fact, I often send partners copies of the certificate that shows the Intronis data center is certified so they can show it to customers who want a little extra reassurance. (If you’re not sure if your current cloud vendor uses a data center that’s certified, find out right away.)
Explain to the customer that being certified means a third-party audit of the data center’s security shows that certain security measures are in place, such as biometric locks, on-site officers, key card controls, and a redundant data center in another location.
Emphasize the importance of encryption
Encryption is another security measure that I find helpful for illustrating how cloud backup is a solution your customer can count on. Explain how the service you’re offering uses a higher level of encryption that the customer would get if they tried to use a consumer-grade cloud service on their own. For example, Intronis uses military-grade encryption for all data, both in transit and at rest so it’s protected at all times.
Showcase your training and expertise
You should also make it clear what you and your technicians are bringing to the table. Explain what you’ll be doing on a regular basis to monitor backups and make sure everything runs smoothly. Tell the customer about any product-specific certifications you have so they know you have the right tools in place and you know how to use them. Remember, they’re buying a managed service, so you want them to know they can count on you too.
Taking the time to answer questions and address concerns can pay off in a big way, leading to new clients and stronger relationships with your customers.
How would you deal with a customer asking about the reliability of cloud backup? Share your insights by leaving a comment. We look forward to hearing your take.
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