Category: Security

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Zoom Vulnerabilities and Zoom Bombing
Advisory Overview After a recent spike in usage due to global social distancing guidelines, multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Zoom. In addition, the ever growing userbase is seeing a rise in the number of “Zoom Bombing” attacks. These threats...

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Cyber Criminals Target Zoom Domains
Advisory Overview With the vast increase in the number of employees working remotely due to COVID-19, malicious actors are attempting to exploit uninformed users with fraudulent sites and applications. The nature of these attempts varies, but overwhelmingly rely on a...

Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?
Q: Lately we have heard a lot about emerging conversation hijacking threats. What does conversation hijacking entail and how can my MSP business prevent it from negatively affecting our customers? Hackers and other bad actors are always inventing new methods...

Threat Spotlight: Coronavirus-related phishing
As much of the world grapples with the new coronavirus, COVID-19, and how to handle it, attackers are taking advantage of the widespread discussion of COVID-19 in emails and across the web. Barracuda researchers have seen a steady increase in...

MSP community starts to circle the cybersecurity wagons
It appears the managed services provider (MSP) community may finally be coming to the conclusion that it’s time to come to each other’s mutual aid, rather than hanging separately. CompTIA has announced it will be assuming the leadership of a...

Beyond phishing: Best practices for working from home
Millions of workers worldwide are now finding themselves employed remotely. They are trying to keep the gears of earth’s economy turning, even as the COVID-19 causes many industries to halt. Working from home has created unfamiliar terrain for many people...

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Windows GDI+ RCE Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0881)
Advisory Overview Multiple versions of Windows are affected by a new RCE vulnerability. Supported operating systems like Widows 8, 10, Server 2012, and Server 2016 were issued a patch normally on March 10th, but Windows 7 and Server 2008 were...

Ask an MSP Expert: How can we protect data in a remote work environment?
Q: Most of our clients have sent their workers home to work remotely due to the COVID-19 epidemic. How can we keep our technicians and our client’s data safe? The spread of COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on businesses across the...

The best and worst of data protection times are upon MSPs
A survey of nearly 1,000 IT professionals published finds that when it comes to data protection, it is truly the best and worst of times. Conducted by The Ponemon Institute on behalf of Experian, a provider of IT services, the...

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Healthcare Facilities Targeted During COVID-19 Outbreak
Advisory Overview One of the Czech Republic’s biggest hospitals has been hit with a cyber-attack amid COVID-19 testing. Healthcare facilities, especially hospitals are advised to be on high alert. SKOUT recommends all organizations to be extra cautious during this time...