Results for: ransomware

Ransomware is now a $1 billion industry

Ransomware is now a $1 billion industry

A new ransomware report from IBM Security finds that nearly one in two business executives have experienced ransomware attacks in the workplace, and 70 percent of those executives said their company has paid to regain access to encrypted data. In...

/ December 20, 2016
cost of ransomware
Calculating the cost of a ransomware attack

Calculating the cost of a ransomware attack

On average, it takes an organization 33 man hours to recover from a ransomware attack. That’s the benchmark identified by a survey of 500 IT security professionals conducted by the market research firm Vanson Bourne on behalf of SentinelOne, a...

/ November 29, 2016
healthcare ransomware
Ransomware’s growing impact on healthcare security and HIPAA compliance

Ransomware’s growing impact on healthcare security and HIPAA compliance

Ransomware skyrocketed in 2016, with the FBI reporting an average of 4,000 ransomware attacks per day — a 300-percent increase since 2015. This has been especially bad news for healthcare organizations, which have been hit hard by this type of...

/ November 9, 2016
Ransomware moves into the cloud

Ransomware moves into the cloud

One of the assumptions many people make about cloud services is that someone is responsible for maintaining security of the environment. That’s true as far as the service itself is concerned, but any data loaded onto those cloud services is...

/ October 13, 2016 / 1 Comment
ransomware law
FTC lays down the ransomware law

FTC lays down the ransomware law

The chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is advising businesses that the FTC might hold them accountable for not fixing vulnerabilities commonly exploited by cybercriminals launching ransomware attacks. FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez says the actual ransom demand is usually...

/ September 15, 2016
security locks
Ransomware Highlights the Need to Manage Data Protection as a Process

Ransomware Highlights the Need to Manage Data Protection as a Process

Under the heading of an ill wind always blows some good, the rise of ransomware has certainly moved data protection up the IT agenda. There are very few IT organizations these days that are not at the very least considering...

/ September 8, 2016
Ransomware driving backup and recovery conversations for MSPs

Ransomware driving backup and recovery conversations for MSPs

Backup and recovery may not have always been the sexiest of IT topics, but thanks to the rise of ransomware it is now one of the hottest. The single most effective defense against ransomware is an ability to recover an...

/ July 26, 2016
cerber ransomware
Cerber ransomware targets Microsoft Office 365 users

Cerber ransomware targets Microsoft Office 365 users

First identified back in March, Cerber ransomware made headlines again recently after reportedly targeting Microsoft Office 365 users through a large-scale zero-day attack. Outside estimates say the email was sent to millions of Office 365 users and that it took...

/ June 30, 2016
ransomware 3
Ransomware exposes poor data management hygiene

Ransomware exposes poor data management hygiene

As ransomware attacks continue to proliferate, the soft underbelly of IT — how organizations often manage their data in a cavalier manner — is finally being exposed. Ransomware combines social engineering techniques, malware, and encryption to take an organization’s data hostage. As...

/ April 28, 2016
Samsam and Petya: The New Wave of Ransomware

Samsam and Petya: The New Wave of Ransomware

Malware development, like any other area in IT, is a hotbed of innovation and change. At the forefront of this trend are the groups responsible for developing ransomware applications such as TeslaCrypt and Cryptowall. Today’s news brings two new challengers:...

/ March 30, 2016