Tag: Big Data

Tip Tuesday: Leverage big data analytics for MSP growth
As managed service providers (MSPs), you know that the customer experience is everything. You must improve your services and anticipate relevant market trends to demonstrate your value. This is where big data analytics can help you identify service gaps and...

Recent acquisitions suggest data really could be the new oil
We are fond of tech metaphors that help us understand the world. One such metaphor is that data is the new oil. Essentially it means data has so much value, that when mined and refined, it could have great value...

How MSPs can use investments in analytics as a customer litmus test
The strain that IT organizations are under as they try to support ever increasing amounts of data using antiquated IT infrastructure is starting to show. A survey of 230 IT professionals conducted by Syncsort, a provider of tools for managing...

How the rise of big data and AI will impact MSPs
IT organizations are starting to signal their intent to consolidate all the analytics applications they need to support around a common pool of “big data” whenever possible. A recent report from Dresner Advisory Services finds 60 percent of respondents would...

Data may be the new oil, but the refineries are broken
Data is clearly the new oil in the age of digital process transformation, but as it turns out, much work still needs to be done before that data can be refined. A survey of 200 CIOs conducted by ASG Technologies,...

Data management issues are about to create a major opportunity for MSPs
Given the extensive history most IT organizations have managing data leveraging all information to drive a wide variety of digital processes should be a simple enough proposition. But it turns out melding data sources is anything but easy. A new...

DataOps is emerging as next big opportunity for MSPs
Coupled with rising interest in artificial intelligence (AI), the need to derive business value from data is driving organizations to create data operations (DataOps) functions that should create additional opportunities for managed service providers. A survey of 266 data professionals...

Big Data analytics platforms in the cloud see wider adoption
A new report from Dresner Advisory Services suggests that managed Big Data analytics platforms based on instances of Hadoop delivered via the cloud gained significant traction in 2017. The research firm’s 2017 Big Data Analytics Market Study finds that instances of Hadoop...

Expanding data integration needs play to the strengths of MSPs
Most managed service providers also resell hardware and software, so the shift to the cloud has forced them to rebalance their revenue streams. As more applications are consumed as a cloud service, an MSP’s balance sheet fundamentally changes. Instead of...