Tag: Box

SaaS players want to ease creation of digital workflows
With the pandemic forcing businesses to leave the office and work from home, chances are many organizations have turned to cloud services like Box to share files and collaborate. SaaS vendors recognize that customers are moving online much faster due...

Cloud 5: 5G cloud impact, Amazon’s custom chip strategy
Welcome to The Cloud 5, our weekly feature where we scour the web searching for the five most intriguing and poignant cloud links we can find. And without further delay, here we go with this week’s links:

Box continues steady revenue growth
Getting to $100 million in revenue is a pretty big deal for most SaaS companies. Getting to a billion is an entirely different level. Box is making steady progress toward that goal, and it continued its upward growth trajectory this...

A mostly good week for SaaS
Software-as-a-Service — or perhaps we should be simply calling it software, because that’s the way it mostly gets delivered now — had a pretty good week last week. Whether it was Salesforce reporting yet another great quarter, Box moving past...