Tag: Cloud market share

Microsoft bolsters Azure AI toolset with Bonsai acquisition
Microsoft bolsters Azure AI toolset with Bonsai acquisition
Just a couple of weeks of ago, Microsoft put out $7.5 billion to buy Github in a move meant to convince developers to come to Azure and sit a spell. In a corresponding move this week, it bought Bonsai, a...

Revenue growth rates rise sharply in 2017 across all classes of clouds
Revenue growth rates rise sharply in 2017 across all classes of clouds
They say a flood lifts all boats, but given the revenue growth rates across the entire cloud computing sector, something more akin to a tsunami is occurring. A report issued this week by Jeffries, an investment banking firm, says the...

Report finds Chinese companies dominate China’s cloud infrastructure market
Report finds Chinese companies dominate China’s cloud infrastructure market
Synergy Research released a report this week that concluded large, native Chinese companies are in firm control of the cloud and data center market in China, and will continue to be for the immediate future. This is in stark contrast...