Tag: cybercriminals

Tech Time Warp
Tech Time Warp: Back to school and back to hacks

Tech Time Warp: Back to school and back to hacks

Now that we are past Labor Day, school is back in session across the United States—which means summer vacation is over for cybercriminals, too. Let’s dive into this week’s edition of Tech Time Warp. The education sector is increasingly a...

/ September 6, 2024
Two high-profile ransomware gangs targeting application vulnerabilities

Two high-profile ransomware gangs targeting application vulnerabilities

Since the start of the ransomware epidemic, cybercriminals’ preferred method of attack always been phishing. Email security and user behavior were not advanced as they are today, and people being careless about checking before they click led to many ransomware infections. These...

/ August 28, 2023
MSPs need to be prepared for summer disasters

MSPs need to be prepared for summer disasters

We have reached the middle of August and are on the cusp of peak hurricane season. But we don’t need a disastrous hurricane to hit the United States for cybercriminals to stalk their victims. The U.S. has already had its...

/ August 24, 2023
Steps to prevent automotive hacking threats for MSPs

Steps to prevent automotive hacking threats for MSPs

Many businesses now have company-owned vehicles, especially ones that didn’t originally have a need for them. As medicine, education, and banking have spread beyond the boundaries of corporate cubicles, more and more enterprises find themselves owning and maintaining vehicles. That’s...

/ April 25, 2023
The cybersecurity impact of recent bank failures

The cybersecurity impact of recent bank failures

MSPs that have financial clients in their portfolios could well be forgiven for being a little jittery. Even industry experts were caught off guard by the sudden struggles in the banking sector. One bank sunk due to old-fashioned business practices,...

/ March 27, 2023
Preparation is key to defend against cybersecurity catastrophes

Preparation is key to defend against cybersecurity catastrophes

MSPs are usually involved in the daily grind of warding off cybercriminals who resort to phishing attempts or DDoS attacks, but what if something much more sinister was lurking out there? According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook...

/ January 31, 2023
Tech Time Warp: The Kriz virus was no Kris Kringle

Tech Time Warp: The Kriz virus was no Kris Kringle

Even cybercriminals get into the holiday spirit. Over the years, network administrators have dealt with the likes of the CHRISTMA EXEC, the Father Christmas worm, and the Santy worm when they would have rather been drinking eggnog. In December 2000,...

/ December 16, 2022
MSPs should emphasize securing Guest User Accounts within SaaS apps

MSPs should emphasize securing Guest User Accounts within SaaS apps

Guest User Accounts that SaaS application providers make available to organizations, are becoming a major security issue that managed service providers (MSPs) are arguably in the best position to resolve. A report published this week by SaaS Alerts, a provider...

/ March 10, 2022
Tech Time Warp: Microsoft offers $250,000 to catch the makers of Mydoom

Tech Time Warp: Microsoft offers $250,000 to catch the makers of Mydoom

Beginning in late January 2004, an email worm called Mydoom caught the attention of the world—and led Microsoft to offer $250,000 for information leading to its creator’s apprehension. At its peak, Mydoom accounted for approximately one-quarter of all email traffic...

/ January 24, 2022
Tech Time Warp: eBay Inc. gets its start

Tech Time Warp: eBay Inc. gets its start

What are your Labor Day weekend plans? Chances are they won’t prove as lucrative as those of Pierre Omidyar back in 1995, who spent his three-day weekend launching a website called AuctionWeb from his San Jose home. We now know...

/ September 3, 2021