Tag: data breaches

Year in review: 2023’s top cybersecurity headlines
This year kept cybersecurity specialists busy and often staying up late. There were plenty of headlines and news stories that cybersecurity experts consider the most consequential of 2023. From significant ransomware attacks, AI-infused malware, state-sponsored mischief, evolving threats, and a...

SEC proposing new cybersecurity disclosures
MSPs will soon likely be called upon to help clients with another cybersecurity issue, but this one isn’t about patching or installing firewalls, it’s about explaining. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposes overhauling requirements for cybersecurity disclosures by...

Identity theft and identity fraud: What they are and how to fight back
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) does not spell out any distinction between identity theft and identity fraud, saying only that they: “…are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s...

IBM’s Annual Cost of Breach Report shows rising risks
As a self-professed cybersecurity data nerd, I look forward each year to IBM’s annual Cost of Data Breach report. It’s a “fun” read if you like this sort of thing. And just in time for summer beach reading, the report...

Rising data breaches require extra vigilance and awareness training
Data breaches increased by 69 percent in 2021 compared to 2020, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) in its annual report on data breaches. According to the report, the most common causes of data breaches were phishing or...

Cybersecurity chain of command crucial to deterring a breach
Who’s on first? What’s on second? I don’t know who’s on third? That’s an old comedic bit from the classic comedy duo Abbott and Costello. Anyone under age 50 probably isn’t familiar with them. But if you are, that classic...

Tech Time Warp: Hack shuts down PlayStation Network for 3 weeks
Video games have been a godsend during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing those “staying at home” with diversion and a chance at safe social interaction (Animal Crossing, anyone?). It’s worth remembering, however, that even the big guys in digital gaming and...

The best and worst of data protection times are upon MSPs
A survey of nearly 1,000 IT professionals published finds that when it comes to data protection, it is truly the best and worst of times. Conducted by The Ponemon Institute on behalf of Experian, a provider of IT services, the...

The top 5 cybersecurity takeaways from 2019
The eggnog is freshly made, the presents are wrapped, and holiday cheer is here. Meanwhile, the MSP maintaining the North Pole network has been busy keeping the servers from crashing and hackers from breaching the wish lists. So now is...

Fallout from high profile breaches will have major impact on IT service providers
A recent series of high-profile data breaches is likely to have a profound impact on IT service providers for years to come.