Tag: hackers

Tips for MSPs to protect PHI from hackers
Hackers love personal healthcare information (PHI). Health records contain a trove of highly saleable information that can fetch high prices on the dark web. Enlance Health found that in the past two years alone, over 800 security breaches targeting healthcare...

Back-to-school highlights the importance of cybersecurity resiliency for educators
The rumbling yellow school buses and children at recess clambering on jungle gyms are becoming familiar sights. Schools are back in session across most of the country and while students have been having fun over the summer, hackers have been...

Steps to prevent automotive hacking threats for MSPs
Many businesses now have company-owned vehicles, especially ones that didn’t originally have a need for them. As medicine, education, and banking have spread beyond the boundaries of corporate cubicles, more and more enterprises find themselves owning and maintaining vehicles. That’s...

ChatGPT ushers in a new era of hacking
ChatGPT is taking the world by storm with its massive haul of conversational Q&As and supercharged AI. “People need to understand that ChatGPT is just the beginning, it is heralding a new era of AI, and the cybercriminals have just as...

End-of-year “office cyber-cleaning”
The end of the year is an opportune time for MSPs to do some office “cyber-cleaning” for clients. But what exactly is an “office cyber-cleaning?” “Cyber-cleaning is the fortification of office space to make them as immune from cyberattacks as...

Top cybersecurity tips for this holiday season
Many people worldwide are beginning to prepare for the rush of shopping, festive gatherings, and visiting in-laws as the holidays ramp up. Previously, SmarterMSP has written about the cybersecurity dangers that holiday weekends pose, and the end-of-year holiday season is...

Canadian cybersecurity complacency is a slippery slope
Statistics and polls show that residents of the United States are concerned about cybersecurity and a recent survey conducted late in 2021 illustrates this: The poll by The Pearson Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows...

Hackers head back to school
Every August, across the United States orange school buses rumble from their summer slumber, school cafeteria workers put on their hairnets and march back into the kitchen, and students grab their backpacks and books and make their way to their...

Don’t turn your vacation into a vacation from cybersecurity
During the summer months, many Americans leave their homes and offices for some much-needed R&R. In fact, a new study from The Vacationer shows that 81 percent of adults are planning to take a trip of some sort this summer,...