Tag: security tips

Catch hackers with a honeypot in your security service
I once visited an Amish farm where green plastic 2-liter 7-Up bottles dangled from the lower branches of the fruit trees. The bottles were filled about halfway with some sort of liquid. Upon closer inspection, I could see a banana peel...

Ask an MSP Expert: Does my MSP need a lawyer?
I am an MSP owner with a broad mix of clients, but we handle a large amount of HIPPA-protected information for healthcare customers, as well as sensitive banking data. I worry about being sued if there is a breach. Should...

Finding the right security balance isn’t easy
These days, MSPs would be foolish not to help their clients make their digital properties more secure. It seems that every week that we hear about yet another massive data breach with the loss of millions of records, often full...

Patching won’t solve all your security problems
I feel like I’m constantly receiving emails warning me about a program’s security vulnerability, saying how I need to download a patch. With all these alerts, I often grow exasperated about the number of security patches that I’m supposed to apply...

A holistic approach to cybersecurity is needed
I recently wrote a security column about sandboxing and, to my tech eye, the technology seems to solve many issues. Sandboxing teases out a potential malware threat before it even becomes a problem. Plus, it’s scalable. There is off-the-shelf sandbox...

Https means you are safe, right?
When it comes to website security, many believe that when you enter your private info, the only way to be reasonably assured that it really is the actual website — and not a spoof — is to look for https....

Threat Watch: Cryptojacking
If one of your customers calls or texts you to tell you their system is slow or overheating or gobbling up a lot of power, you need to add a new possible diagnosis to your checklist — cryptojacking. Cryptojacking is...

Infographic: It’s time to seize the managed security opportunity
From WannaCry and NotPetya to the Equifax breach, the alarming headlines about cyber attacks are hard to ignore, and your SMB customers are worried. Yet even as the number of threats and their level of sophistication continues to escalate, many...