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gremlin_groupmugshotMarch 31 is approaching fast, but there’s still time for you to kick off communication with your customers and prospects to remind them of the importance of making sure their data is securely backed up and keeping their business fully protected. Here’s your chance to boost your marketing efforts and bring in some new business as a result!

We know that many MSPs juggle several roles and responsibilities within their organization and as a result may have limited resources dedicated to marketing. It’s with these MSPs in mind that we put together a World Backup Day MSP Marketing Kit! An exclusive benefit to the Intronis Partner community, the kit includes ready-to-go marketing materials to help you launch your backup awareness campaign.

This suite of marketing enablement resources feature the infamous Data Loss Gremlins and provides pre-crafted social media posts, rebrandable white papers and tech guides, 17 email templates, and much more.

A few tips for MSP marketing success

  • Take to social media: Share compelling statistics about the need for backup. Need some inspiration? Here’s one that will get your customers and prospects thinking: 94% of companies that suffer catastrophic data loss without #backup FAIL within 2 years, according to research by the University of Texas. There is a lot of information surfacing on the web around the time of World Backup Day, so take advantage of the availability of that content to engage your audience. Our marketing kit has several of these social posts that you can copy and paste, complete with reference sources.
  • Schedule an email blast (or multiple email blasts): Make sure your emails have a clear “Call to Action.” If you send an informational email, that’s great. But if the reader doesn’t know what you want them to do next, it will be a missed opportunity. So, if you’re looking for them to download your white paper on cyber security, ask them to do so and point them to a nicely optimized landing page where they can access it. Or, if you want them to contact you for a 1:1 consultation, let them know that too. If you don’t tell them what to do, chances are they’ll move on pretty quickly.
  • Be interactive: Engage your contacts by asking them to complete a quiz on how well their business is protected, fill out a survey about their biggest security concerns, or share a backup success (or horror) story. Use the data to create a two-way conversation with them and to better understand their individual concerns and experiences.
  • Don’t stop once the day is over: The day itself provides context and makes your pitch timely, but it doesn’t make your value proposition less compelling the rest of the year. The enablement kit offers some materials that mention World Backup Day specifically, but the majority of the items included are ready for year-round use.

Still need your World Backup Day MSP Marketing Kit?

If you’re a current Intronis partner who hasn’t yet downloaded your campaign prep kit, leave a comment below, and we’ll send it to you.

Good luck with your promotion, and happy early World Backup Day!

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Lindsay Faria

Posted by Lindsay Faria

As Director of MSP Marketing, Americas, at Barracuda, Lindsay Faria is dedicated to empowering Barracuda MSP partners to grow their businesses by providing tools and information to make marketing and selling their data protection services as effective, fast and easy as possible.

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