Month: August 2021
Cloud war accelerates as cloud providers battle for share
Cloud infrastructure services spending increased 36 percent to $47 billion in the second quarter with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) now accounting for 61 percent of total spend among all cloud providers, according to a...
Gone fishin’: Prime time for a cyberattack
With a seemingly sudden rash of successful ransomware attacks in recent months, it didn’t surprise some cybersecurity experts warning about the next cyberattack event. “When I first heard about the ransomware wave, I looked at the calendar and said `oh...
Using MSP marketing to remain front of mind with customers
Previously, I wrote on SmarterMSP about removing serious mistakes from your MSP marketing activities that prevent them from being their most effective. In this post, I want to warn service providers of ways that their MSP marketing can fail to...
Spear phishing report: Attackers’ evolving tactics and targets
As cybercriminals adjust who they’re targeting most, all employees, not just top executives, need to be prepared for spear phishing attacks. Between May 2020 and June 2021, Barracuda researchers analyzed more than 12 million cyberattacks impacting more than 3 million...