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Ask an MSP ExpertConverting leads into sales pipeline is an art, and it starts with the initial conversation you have with a lead. Whether you opt for a phone call or email, the timing and approach are key factors in moving the lead forward. Learn more in this edition of Ask an MSP Expert.

Kendra Lee, founder of KLA Group, shared her perspectives to following up with a form-fill lead and the right approach to starting the conversation. Additionally, she shared how to uncover who your competition may be during that initial call so you can highlight your differentiation. Let’s dive in to learn how to conduct that first engagement effectively with prospects.

Q: What is the preferred method to initiate first contact with a prospect from a form fill?

There’s no right or wrong way to initiate the first contact with a prospect. It all depends on your outreach style. If you’re considering reaching out via LinkedIn, it is important to check how active the person is on the platform. LinkedIn may not be an effective method if they haven’t posted, liked, or commented recently as the prospect may not receive the outreach.

For more immediate contact, phone and email are both highly effective options. Some people prefer picking up the phone and calling right away, while others feel more comfortable sending an email first and following up with a call. Either approach works well, depending on the individual’s communication style.

The key to success is simply to make contact as soon as possible. You can also use both methods on the same day for greater impact. The important part is to reach out promptly and follow up with persistence using strategies like the “Bloodhound follow-up” method to keep the conversation moving forward.

Q: How should I get the information I need without sounding like I am trying to qualify them?

Using a consultative approach is an effective way to start a conversation. Use openended questions to encourage the lead to share more. For example, ask, “I see you’re in the healthcare industrywhat challenges are you currently facing, and how are you addressing them today?” If the lead downloaded an asset, ask, “What questions do you have about the information you downloaded?” This helps uncover their specific interests or concerns, allowing you to naturally steer the conversation and gather valuable insights into their needs, without making the interaction feel like a sales pitch.

Additionally, if your website uses cookies and a marketing automation tool, review the pages the prospect visited before making contact. Use this data to guide your conversation but avoid revealing that you’re monitoring their behavior. This will allow you to focus the discussion on their relevant interests and avoid asking too many unrelated questions.

Q: How can I uncover hidden challenges that the prospect may not have considered and leverage them to my advantage?

We already talked about using open-ended questions to uncover challenges and to position your solution as the top choice. More importantly, the salesperson should shift the prospect’s focus away from talking about pricing at the start of the conversation. Instead of jumping straight into your service offering and the price points, start a conversation by asking about the goals they are looking to achieve. This approach makes the conversation feel more helpful and consultative.

Ready to learn more relating to this edition of Ask an MSP Expert? Watch the recent webinar on maximizing inbound lead conversion and fast-track business-to-business sales now.

Photo: Ralf Geithe / Shutterstock

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Amber Montgomery

Posted by Amber Montgomery

Amber Montgomery is a Content Marketing Associate at Barracuda MSP. With a sales background, Amber intends to bring what's worked in the past into creating content that can help MSPs grow their business. In her role at Barracuda MSP, she will focus on creating assets to enable MSPs in sales and marketing.

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