Clive Longbottom

All posts by Clive Longbottom

Clive Longbottom is a UK-based independent commentator on the impact of technology on organizations and was a co-founder and service director at Quocirca. He has also been an ITC industry analyst for more than 20 years.

The increased need for auditing

The increased need for auditing

The best and the worst thing about modern IT platforms is that they are flexible and change can happen extremely rapidly. So, why do the same capabilities create such diametrically opposite issues?

/ November 11, 2019
When throttling is acceptable

When throttling is acceptable

I have previously written about how important it is to be flexible with customers, allowing the occasional traffic burst to go unnoticed – well, at least as far as the invoice is concerned. The problem is when that traffic burst...

/ September 2, 2019
The new normal – being more flexible as an MSP

The new normal – being more flexible as an MSP

How do you deal with customers who need variable resources? The ones who, for part of the day, or on a cyclic basis of once per week, month, or quarter, show a spike in usage of CPU, network, or storage...

/ August 19, 2019
High availability – table stakes or competitive advantage?

High availability – table stakes or competitive advantage?

Cloud computing has been positioned as a means of providing a highly available platform at a low price. This is true, but only to an extent. We have seen that even big platforms, such as AWS and Google Cloud Platform,...

/ July 8, 2019
Competing with the big guys

Competing with the big guys

As an MSP, it can be a bit daunting when looking around at the competitive market. Sure, there are other MSPs your size, doing pretty much the same things as you. It’s a case of competing on a peer level...

/ June 4, 2019
Microservices and the need for APIs

Microservices and the need for APIs

In my last piece, I discussed how MSPs need to start moving to a microservices architecture to embrace the rise of the composite app, created by pulling together microservices from across a hybrid private/public platform. The issue with such an...

/ May 6, 2019
Microservices’ role in the MSP economy

Microservices’ role in the MSP economy

To date, enterprises have worked with everything from home-grown hand-coded systems to off the shelf enterprise applications. These started off as highly focused applications, such as those looking at supply chain automation (SCA) or sales force automation (SFA), but rapidly...

/ April 8, 2019
How an MSP can meet its most complex needs

How an MSP can meet its most complex needs

You may well be aware of Abraham Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’, which he created in 1943 in “A Theory of Human Motivation.” The basis of the hierarchy is that there are some basic areas an individual needs to meet to...

/ March 11, 2019
Your MSP doesn’t need to be the end-all be-all

Your MSP doesn’t need to be the end-all be-all

As an MSP, you probably have your deep area or areas of expertise that you are rightly proud of. If you provide managed security services, then you understand security. If you provide ERP, then you will be proud of your...

/ February 8, 2019
OK – you’re an MSP. Now what?

OK – you’re an MSP. Now what?

MSPs have varied prospect bases. Some focus on servicing large enterprises where the effective decision maker is a technical person or group. But for the many MSPs that target small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there is often a completely different...

/ January 16, 2019 / 2 Comments