Category: Security

Tech Time Warp: Quite the Hotmail hack, eh?

Tech Time Warp: Quite the Hotmail hack, eh?

You might not want to admit it, but you may still have a Hotmail account kicking around. Once your premier account—perhaps an upgrade from AOL—it may now be your throwaway address. Once, though, Hotmail was hip—and quite a target for...

/ September 4, 2020
Malware targeted Windows users in Q1 2020

Malware targeted Windows users in Q1 2020

A new security report released by AV-Test showed some startling, but not surprising, malware statistics. The key takeaway from the study: Computers that run Windows are most prone to attacks by hackers. The AV-Test report discovered that 114 million new pieces of...

/ September 3, 2020
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Major Vishing Campaign

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Major Vishing Campaign

Advisory Overview The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have recently issued a warning about the growing threat of “vishing” attacks against companies. Vishing (voice phishing) is a social engineering method that uses...

/ August 31, 2020
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: FritzFrog P2P Botnet

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: FritzFrog P2P Botnet

Advisory Overview Researchers at Guardicore have identified a peer-to-peer (P2P) botnet, dubbed FritzFrog, brute-forcing SSH servers since January. Once breached, a worm is executed to run malicious payloads which can further expand the botnet by compromising additional devices as well...

/ August 27, 2020
MSPs must track HTML smuggling

MSPs must track HTML smuggling

While hackers are always experimenting and innovating to catch up with the latest cybersecurity advances, they are also not afraid to stick with the tried and true. Why? Because it works. Why spend a lot of time and money trying to...

/ August 27, 2020
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Team Viewer Vulnerability

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Team Viewer Vulnerability

Advisory Overview A vulnerability has been discovered in remote desktop connection application “TeamViewer” that can allow an attacker to steal the login information (username and hashed password) of a user. This can allow the attacker to crack the stolen password...

/ August 20, 2020
Municipal contracts and the cybersecurity data to land them

Municipal contracts and the cybersecurity data to land them

A recent note came to me from a Smarter MSP reader about municipal contracts, and what types of cybersecurity data should be used when trying to land municipal contracts. Assuming they are not the only one with questions on this...

/ August 20, 2020
Widespread cloud configuration issues create opportunity for MSPs

Widespread cloud configuration issues create opportunity for MSPs

The crux of the problem with cloud security has very little to do with the platforms on which applications are deployed. The real issue is the amount of cybersecurity expertise the people deploying cloud applications don’t have. Most cloud applications...

/ August 19, 2020
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Two Microsoft Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Two Microsoft Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Advisory Overview Microsoft has addressed two zero-day vulnerabilities in this week’s rollout of security patches. One of the zero-day vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to bypass security features intended to prevent improperly signed files from being loaded; the other zero-day...

/ August 14, 2020
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Pulse Secure VPN Server Data Leak

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Pulse Secure VPN Server Data Leak

Advisory Overview Over 900+ Pulse VPN servers were breached and had their data leaked online. The data includes plaintext username, passwords, IP addresses, user session cookies, administrator details and private encryption keys. Technical detail and additional information What is the...

/ August 13, 2020