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The turn of the new decade has been eventful. The global pandemic, the shift to a remote workforce, and the ever-growing number of cyberthreats and cyberattacks has made cybersecurity top of mind for businesses of all sizes.

Our Evolving Landscape of the MSP Business Report 2020 cites evidence of this:

 “A total of 79% of partners felt customer security concerns were a good opportunity particularly with the rise of remote workers, 72% said the lack of in-house security skills at their customers was also creating new revenue possibilities.”

As an MSP, you already know the importance of delivering security services but in many cases, you are only delivering these security services when requested by customers. This can lead to management challenges, such as product support, in-house technical knowledge, or product incompatibility issues, which can hinder the delivery efficiency of these services. To overcome these hurdles, MSPs need to standardize and create offerings with security services embedded.

Podcast on building an MSSP

To help MSPs create a managed security services offering successfully, Mark Whiffen, Senior Product Manager – Barracuda RMM, recently joined Jay McCall, co-founder of XaaS Journal and DevPro Journal, in a podcast to share his insights and advice. He highlighted the opportunities managed security services present for MSPs and how MSPs can expand their managed security services offerings without being overwhelmed to become an MSSP.

Other highlights discussed in the podcast include:

    • Differences between MSPs and MSSPs
    • Positive indicators in the market for those looking to become MSSPs
    • Outsourcing security for MSPs
    • Pitfalls to avoid when offering managed security

Listen to the podcast here.

Photo: VITAL MIZHYHURSKI / Shutterstock

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Doris Au

Posted by Doris Au

Doris is a product marketing manager at Barracuda MSP. In this position, she is responsible for connecting managed service providers with multi-layered security and data protection products that can protect their customers from today’s advanced cyber threats.

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