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Last year, I wrote an article about what you need to know to make your MSP website generate more leads in 2019 and I’m still receiving feedback. I always love when I’m able to start a conversation like that, but now, based on some questions I’ve gotten since writing that post, I’d like to take a few moments to revisit the topic.

I’ve seen many MSPs take the message at the heart of that blog and misinterpret it. They go through all the steps and they come away thinking that they’re suddenly involved in a project that is much, much bigger than it actually is.

In my experience, many MSP websites out there feel like they’re a product of a different era – mostly because they are. People still treat them like a digital version of an old tech brochure. They don’t say what you know and, most importantly, don’t say HOW you help.

This problem is ultimately what I wanted to bring to people’s attention last year. If your existing site doesn’t come anywhere close to checking those boxes, then sure, a new site may be in order.

But at the same time, I’ve also seen a lot of people take this idea — that a new website will solve all of their problems — too far. Things get to the point where it’s actually stopping them from doing other things and their entire marketing strategy starts to suffer.

The truth is, even if your site looks like the kind I described above, you probably DON’T need a new web presence to generate more leads. In 2020, what you need is a new approach.

Your website should empower action, not stifle it

The number one situation where I would tell someone to “hold off” on a website redesign is when it stops you from generating new leads. I hear it from prospects all the time,  “I WOULD be cold calling and sending out mailers, but I can’t until my website is perfect! After I start my website, then I’ll move onto that other stuff.”

I think it’s important to see that explanation for what it really is — a crutch that is stopping you from moving forward and taking action.

No matter what the shape of your website is, you cannot afford to let it stop your consistency. If you want success with your MSP marketing, you have to do the work. Never let anything get in the way of that simple fact — especially your website.

A website isn’t something you can create and walk away from

Another trap that I see a lot of MSP business owners fall into is that they think about their website in terms of something that they can  build and then forget about. This creates an enormous amount of internal pressure, as suddenly you only have one shot to really “get it right.”

Seeking perfection on your website is a fool’s errand. I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen a “perfect” website. They all have problems and there is always room for continuous improvement. So, it isn’t that you need a “new website,” — it’s that you need to be making the most of the one you already have.

Your website doesn’t have to be objectively perfect to generate leads. If there are one or two elements that you want to change, then do it. However, your site should be something that you’re looking at quarterly, or at the very least, on an annual basis.

Each period, based on the data you’re seeing from Google Analytics and similar sources, make small adjustments that help you meet new needs or accomplish new objectives. Don’t wait for all those little things to add up, because once they do, you’ll have a much bigger project on your hands.

Your website is (probably) already good enough

Finally, one of the most important reasons why I believe you don’t need a new website for your MSP is simple: The one you have is probably good enough.

You’re an IT company. You’re not a boutique branding firm. You don’t need to have the fanciest, most elaborate website on the planet to woo customers.

You’re good at technology — setting up computer networks, cyber security, and other things of that nature. You don’t need a website that has all the latest bells and whistles. You just need one that communicates what you do and why you matter in a concise, effective way.

Does it do that? Great – the hard work is done.

Tearing down your old design and throwing up a “sleek, sophisticated” new one won’t make a difference if that core messaging just isn’t there.

Your website: One small part of a much larger story

The people who insist that you need a new website to start generating leads are not only trying to sell you something — it’s probably a new website design package. Whether this is a step that you actually NEED to take is a question only you can answer. The truth is, even I don’t know — but for Smarter MSP readers, I’d be more than happy to help people have that discussion.

If you’re interested in finally taking stock of your website and how it feeds back into your larger marketing strategy, visit our website and request a strategy call. Mention that you found us through this article and we’ll go through all the things you need to think about so that we can make the right decision together.

Photo:  GaudiLab / Shutterstock

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Nate Freedman

Posted by Nate Freedman

Nate Freedman is the CEO of Tech Pro Marketing and MSP Sites. He runs the only MSP marketing group with 12+ years of experience and has helped MSPs generate over 20,000 high-quality leads. Tech Pro Marketing’s brands have earned over 150 5-star Google Reviews.

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