Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

Colonial Pipeline hack highlights vulnerabilities

Colonial Pipeline hack highlights vulnerabilities

We’ve been warning about the dangers of ransomware for years now on Smarter MSP, and this past week the threat hit home for millions of Americans in the form of fuel shortages and higher prices at the gas pump. While...

/ May 19, 2021
DDoS “celebrates” 25th anniversary with a spike

DDoS “celebrates” 25th anniversary with a spike

The first documented widespread distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack occurred in 1996 when New York City-based internet provider, Panix, was attacked. The New York Times described it: Beginning Sept. 6 and continuing through at least last Tuesday, a hacker intent on shutting...

/ May 12, 2021
Deploying Apple devices remotely with zero touch installation

Deploying Apple devices remotely with zero touch installation

As an IT pro, bringing a level of automation to onboarding and updates with zero touch installation just makes your job easier. If a person can take an Apple device out of the box, sign in using their work credentials...

/ May 4, 2021
Digital business transformation requires data engineering heroes

Digital business transformation requires data engineering heroes

Most organizations intuitively realize that sound data management and data engineering practices are at the core of any digital business transformation practice. However, a survey of 150 IT professionals working for organizations with at least 4,000 employees published this week...

/ April 29, 2021 / 1 Comment
Tomorrow’s cybersecurity at today’s colleges

Tomorrow’s cybersecurity at today’s colleges

University students in 2021 have a worldview of cybersecurity that has been shaped by the pandemic and forged by immersion in technology from cradle to college. Smarter MSP recently caught up with Bilal Shebaro, an associate professor in the Department of...

/ March 31, 2021
Weak human links and zero-day cyberattacks

Weak human links and zero-day cyberattacks

We’ve been taking a close look at the post-pandemic environment that MSPs are finding themselves navigating in 2021. One of the questions for many is what happens if the new normal doesn’t resemble the old normal? What if corporate campuses...

/ March 23, 2021
Pioneers in Tech: The first African American PhD in Computer Science

Pioneers in Tech: The first African American PhD in Computer Science

The contributions of the Black community to technology history are only just beginning to be recognized, with “hidden figures” such as NASA’s Katherine Johnson finally receiving the accolades they deserve. Another tech pioneer that should be a household name is...

/ February 12, 2021 / 2 Comments
Helping clients understand the employee experience

Helping clients understand the employee experience

Just about everyone has been asked to take a short survey after dealing with customer service or other employees. The idea behind these questionnaires is to make sure you were satisfied with the level of service you received. More importantly...

/ February 2, 2021
Cybersecurity predictions for 2021

Cybersecurity predictions for 2021

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic pretty much dominated everything, which created many challenges for MSPs. What does 2021 hold in the realm of cybersecurity? Unfortunately, perhaps more of the same, according to Hussain Aldawood, Director of Cybersecurity, for Saudi Arabia-based...

/ January 14, 2021 / 1 Comment
Loyalty to cloud service providers starts to decline

Loyalty to cloud service providers starts to decline

One of issues that managed service providers (MSPs) encountered with greater frequency in that last year has been the increasing lack of differentiation between cloud service providers. Every time a cloud service provider adds a new capability, others quickly follow...

/ December 23, 2020