Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

Ask an MSP Expert: How do I make sure my Office 365 data is safe?

Ask an MSP Expert: How do I make sure my Office 365 data is safe?

Q: We have clients who run almost their entire business on Office 365. However, most of them decline additional security services because they think that “Microsoft has my back,” but how true is that? To answer this question, Smarter MSP...

/ September 3, 2019 / 1 Comment
Ask an MSP Expert: How can our MSP implement a robust AI program?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can our MSP implement a robust AI program?

Q: AI is growing in popularity. How can my 10-employee MSP best leverage AI in day-to-day business? Could directly investing in more AI save me from having to increase my number of staff?  Don’t put away your human resources hat...

/ July 15, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I grow my business with existing customers?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I grow my business with existing customers?

Q: We are constantly trying to grow our business, but the sales process to win a new customer is time-consuming. How can we grow our business with our existing customers? While it is exciting, acquiring new customers is time-consuming and hard to...

/ July 8, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: How can we improve customers’ security posture?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can we improve customers’ security posture?

Q: In today’s world, we know that security is a vital part of any managed service provider’s offering. How can we better position our security portfolio while improving our customers’ security posture? When small and medium businesses look to partner...

/ June 24, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP prepare for an economic recession?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP prepare for an economic recession?

Q: Right now, we have more business than we can handle, and cash flow is exceeding our projections for the year. Still, I get nervous and worry about the next downturn. Is there something I should be doing now to prepare...

/ June 10, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: What are some different pricing strategies to consider?

Ask an MSP Expert: What are some different pricing strategies to consider?

Q: There seems to be a lot of different opinions on how we should price our offering.  How can we determine what the right pricing strategy is for our MSP business? Setting a pricing strategy is a critical process for...

/ May 27, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: Should my MSP pursue industrial clients?

Ask an MSP Expert: Should my MSP pursue industrial clients?

Q: We serve primarily healthcare and finance companies, but our region has a robust manufacturing base. Are there many opportunities for MSPs in manufacturing? If so, are there any insights you can provide about taking clients in this vertical? If you...

/ May 13, 2019 / 1 Comment
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I help my customers decide on a retention policy?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I help my customers decide on a retention policy?

Q: As an MSP, I frequently see businesses make mistakes when developing a data retention policy. These mistakes often result in businesses losing their data due to accidental deletions or exposing their data to bad actors because the company has...

/ May 6, 2019
Ask an MSP Expert: How can we attract more students to the IT industry?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can we attract more students to the IT industry?

Q: I own a mid-sized MSP and I’m having trouble finding talented technicians. That has me worried about the industry as a whole. Is there any hope for getting more kids interested in the profession? MSP’s are fighting a chronic...

/ April 22, 2019 / 2 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: Do I need to offer an additional backup service with Office 365?

Ask an MSP Expert: Do I need to offer an additional backup service with Office 365?

Q: More of my customers are moving towards Office 365, and they believe everything is being backed up. Is this true, or should my MSP create additional backups of Office 365 data? In terms of email and data services, Office...

/ April 8, 2019 / 1 Comment