Tag: cyber security threat
MSPs must watch out for TrickBot
The history of malware is littered with viruses that were created solely to obtain banking information. One of the best known in recent years has been TrickBot, and lately, it has re-emerged with increased intensity. Since at least 2016, TrickBot...
Seamless cybersecurity and two emerging threats
For most MSPs, the pandemic of 2020 has been a rush of implementing new policies and procedures while at the same time trying to keep customer cybersecurity fortifications intact. Wisconsin-based SWICKTech is an example of an organization that acted early to...
In defense of MSP cybersecurity, as number of alerts rise
It seems like about once a month now some government agency somewhere discovers there might be a potential issue with the cybersecurity of a managed service provider (MSP). The latest warning comes from the U.S. Secret Service, which sent out...
Threat Spotlight: Form-based attacks
A new type of brand impersonation attack is disproportionately using Google-branded sites to trick victims into sharing login credentials. Making up 4 percent of all spear phishing attacks in the first four months of 2020, Barracuda researchers have seen steady detections through...
Passwords in a pandemic
World Password Day was celebrated earlier this month with some sobering statistics that may have people rethinking the use of their daughter’s middle name or favorite Italian dish as the basis for all of their security. MSPs can only hope...
Jumping the air gap
With everyone wearing masks and wincing each time someone coughs, airborne viruses have captured the attention of the world. Your client’s network can’t catch COVID-19 from a sneeze, but it can catch other airborne viruses.
MSPs can help combat “Zoombombing”
The coronavirus crisis has brought with it a host of new cybersecurity worries from increased phishing attempts to work-at-home vulnerabilities. Add to that the employment uncertainty both at the MSP and client level, and there’s a lot to deal with...
Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?
Q: Lately we have heard a lot about emerging conversation hijacking threats. What does conversation hijacking entail and how can my MSP business prevent it from negatively affecting our customers? Hackers and other bad actors are always inventing new methods...
Beyond phishing: Best practices for working from home
Millions of workers worldwide are now finding themselves employed remotely. They are trying to keep the gears of earth’s economy turning, even as the COVID-19 causes many industries to halt. Working from home has created unfamiliar terrain for many people...
Fileless malware is here to stay
With the focus on coronavirus, cybersecurity professionals can’t lose sight of virtual viruses. Just as biologically based threats evolve, so do virtual ones. For years, MSPs and cybersecurity experts devised defenses to intercept suspicious attachments harboring dangerous payloads. The attacks weren’t...