Tag: cyber security

How MSPs can help keep elections secure
While most of the the country has been focused on the waning days of summer vacation, splash pads, swimming pools, and back-to-school sales, the eyes of the political world were focused on a tiny slice of Ohio this week in...

How MSPs can help secure the power grid
Much of the eastern United States has been slogging through a hot, humid summer. Places like Burlington, Vermont recently recorded its highest low ever, with the temperature not dropping below 80 degrees at night. A stifling summer isn’t the time when...

Introducing Managed PhishLine
How confident are you that your SMB customers and their employees know how to recognize a phishing attack? Most likely the answer is not very. According to Barracuda’s 2018 Email Security Trends Report, 84 percent of IT security professionals said...

Increasing cloud attacks spark need for improved cloud security
It’s hard enough running an MSP these days with all the malware, ransomware, and cryptocurrency miners one has to protect against, but there’s another front in the cyberwar, one that once seemed relatively safe: the cloud. Consider that attacks on...

Ask an MSP Expert: Why does my MSP need a Cyber Liability Insurance policy?
Q: My MSP business is growing, and I’m concerned about staying properly insured. I carry the required insurance on our service vans, and I have a general liability policy that a long-time family friend who is also an insurance salesman...

How MSPs can help combat account takeover attacks
Life on the road often requires WiFi-friendly stops at diners and coffee shops. I was on the road recently and ducked into a diner to have some free WiFi with my fries. I was pleased to see the WiFi was...

Artificial intelligence: It’s not just for the bad guys
With warnings coming fast and furious from tech luminaries as diverse as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and the late Stephen Hawking, to name a few, most of us are conditioned to think of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence in...

How MSPs should help clients protect sensitive data when employees are terminated
Even under the best of employer circumstances — trustworthy staff that a business hopes to hold onto forever — employee behavior remains the single greatest risk factor to data security. Without training and vigilance, even well-meaning employees can accidentally click...

Threat Spotlight: Advanced polymorphic malware
Imagine having a key that changes shape to fit any lock you might encounter. That’s pretty much what malware creators have at their disposal with advanced polymorphic malware, and it’s a real headache for MSPs tasked with stopping it or,...

Mounting cybersecurity pressures taking a toll on internal IT
The single biggest impediment to any organization deciding to embrace managed security services is often the pride of the internal IT organization. Many IT professionals view having to rely on external help as a sign of weakness. That can be...