Tag: IT management

Your MSP doesn’t need to be the end-all be-all
As an MSP, you probably have your deep area or areas of expertise that you are rightly proud of. If you provide managed security services, then you understand security. If you provide ERP, then you will be proud of your...

The case for micro-segmentation
A recent report by BCC Research shows that the MSP market in the United States will grow from $62.0 billion in 2017 to $94.5 billion in 2021. While banking, insurance, and financial industries continue to dominate an MSP’s clientele, the...

Increasing investments in IT automation will have profound implications for MSPs in 2019
Arguably, whenever a new use case for IT is being considered, MSPs are presented with one of the best opportunities to engage the customer. In these circumstances, MSPs don’t usually have to contend with as much bias as relying on...

Shifting IT infrastructure landscape ultimately favors the MSP
A new survey of 500 IT professionals published by INAP, a provider of managed services, suggests the rate at which application workloads will be shifting away from on-premises IT environments in 2019 is about to accelerate. The INAP survey finds...

Reliance on MSPs expected to increase in 2019
As hybrid cloud computing becomes more complex — thanks to rise of so-called cloud native computing models — there appears to be an increase in the willingness of IT organizations to rely on managed service providers (MSPs).

Twelve gifts MSPs want to receive this holiday season
Managed service providers (MSPs) get excited about the holidays as much as anyone else. The only difference is that many MSPs will be keeping at least one eye on various consoles to make sure any potential disruption that might occur...

Hybrid cloud opportunity for MSPs starts to materialize
A survey of 2,300 IT professionals conducted by Vanson Bourne on behalf of Nutanix, a provider of hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) platforms, suggest IT leaders are getting much savvier about cloud computing. The survey finds 91 percent of respondents now see...

Most organizations still struggle with fundamentals of IT management
While there’s a lot of well-deserved focus on business and IT innovation these days, the fundamentals of delivering IT services never go away. In fact, a new survey published this week by Syncsort, a provider of data management software, indicates...