Category: Security

FTC resources to help protect SMBs

FTC resources to help protect SMBs

You (or your customers) might not be aware, but the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) wants to help make small businesses more secure. It offers a number of products, resources, and tools to help small businesses better protect themselves.

/ November 19, 2018
Spending on Managed Security Services expected to jump in 2019

Spending on Managed Security Services expected to jump in 2019

The fact that organizations will be spending much more on cybersecurity in 2019 shouldn’t come as a surprise given the continued increase in both volume and sophistication of the attacks being launched.

/ November 15, 2018
Gone phishing

Gone phishing

When you have ransomware, cryptocurrency miners, and polymorphic malware to battle, it’s easy to put phishing education on the back burner. In fact, a new study shows that 95 percent of IT professionals underestimate its impact and fail to adjust...

/ November 14, 2018
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory
Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Adobe’s Second Wave of Security Updates

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Adobe’s Second Wave of Security Updates

What is the Issue: This week, Adobe has identified 47 vulnerabilities, 24 of which were found to be critical and are at high risk of exploitation. The vulnerabilities found in Adobe software such as Acrobat & Reader, as well as...

/ November 11, 2018
Ask an MSP Expert: How can we better protect SMBs who use IoT devices?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can we better protect SMBs who use IoT devices?

Q: IoT devices have added more attack surfaces to protect and hardware to maintain, which is why we’re trying to adjust our business plans and pricing models accordingly. What are some businesses that will be transformed by IoT and what...

/ November 5, 2018
For goodness’ sake, get a web filter

For goodness’ sake, get a web filter

This week, news emerged about a government agency being infected with malware because one of its employees apparently liked to watch porn on his work computer. This is a classic case of an organization not putting safeguards in place that...

/ November 1, 2018
Yahoo’s $50M damages bill demonstrates the high cost of poor security

Yahoo’s $50M damages bill demonstrates the high cost of poor security

Years ago there was a commercial for oil filters in which the spokesperson warned that you could pay him a few dollars for a filter or pay a mechanic later for an expensive repair. “Pay me now, or pay him...

/ October 30, 2018
Clive Longbottom: Helping customers avoid their biggest threat

Clive Longbottom: Helping customers avoid their biggest threat

In talking to customers, you probably find that their biggest concern is how they can protect themselves from external malicious activity.  However, many times the biggest threat to their business is the behaviour of their own employees. The troubling behaviour...

/ October 29, 2018
The era of the cloud mafia?

The era of the cloud mafia?

As a third-generation Italian-American growing up in the Midwest, I was used to hearing about the feared Mafia, either in the stories of older relatives or in the misguided attempts at humor by school kids.

/ October 24, 2018
Tech Time Warp: The curious cases of early hackers

Tech Time Warp: The curious cases of early hackers

These days, cybersecurity is such a pervasive concern that it’s easy to forget law enforcement and the courts once had no idea what to do with hackers. Some of the earliest cases of hacking and computer fraud predate the federal...

/ October 19, 2018