Category: Security

MSPs are good medicine for hospitals

MSPs are good medicine for hospitals

Imagine a senior government official with a pacemaker and the chilling scenarios that could play out if a hacker could overcome this device’s defenses. It sounds like something ripped out of a movie script, but it’s slowly creeping closer to...

/ October 15, 2018
Google launches new authentication service for drop-in identity management

Google launches new authentication service for drop-in identity management

When it comes to identity management, you want to make it as simple as possible. Most small businesses don’t have the development resources to build a solution with solid identity capabilities built-in from scratch. If you can’t afford to build...

/ October 12, 2018
Tech Time Warp: Big-time data breaches and the cybersecurity sins that led to them

Tech Time Warp: Big-time data breaches and the cybersecurity sins that led to them

Cybersecurity often seems like a moving target. The bad guys have a seemingly endless supply of spammy servers, plus all the time and budget in the world, whereas those charged with protecting companies from cybercrime face normal business constraints in...

/ October 12, 2018
MSPs need to stay relevant in the age of the cloud

MSPs need to stay relevant in the age of the cloud

There are two inexorable facts about cybersecurity and email that managed service providers (MSPs) can’t ignore. The first is that for all intents and purposes, email has become a cloud service. There may be some organizations still running a Microsoft...

/ October 11, 2018
Biometric conversations for MSPs

Biometric conversations for MSPs

Passwords are a cornerstone of the various security deployments that MSPs put in place for their customers. Password technology, however, has changed little since the dawn of the modern computer age. How long before the password is replaced with something...

/ October 10, 2018
Managing identity between machines remains a challenge

Managing identity between machines remains a challenge

As we move into a time of machines conducting business on our behalf, we need to start thinking about the implications of that in terms of security and identity. If your machine is talking to my machine, we suddenly have...

/ October 5, 2018
The pros and cons of biometrics

The pros and cons of biometrics

A new malware targeting banking customers in Brazil calls into question the security of biometric account protections. Interestingly, the sophisticated attack – dubbed as CamuBot, uses very low-tech, retro ways to target its victims. CamuBot was recently described in ThreatPost...

/ October 3, 2018
Securing content in motion has become much easier

Securing content in motion has become much easier

For many years, content management vendors have been trying to protect content as it moved through the world by attaching a set of rules. The earliest attempt, before the cloud came along, was called Information Rights Management (IRM). It was a...

/ September 27, 2018
The dangers lurking in SMB networks

The dangers lurking in SMB networks

The most significant risks to your SMB customers don’t always come from threats with catchy names like Wanna Cry. Instead, the biggest threats can come from sources with names that are often more mundane like “Paula in Accounting” or “Dave...

/ September 26, 2018
Threat hunting could be very good for managed services providers

Threat hunting could be very good for managed services providers

In their zeal to be seen to be doing more about cybersecurity, vendors are increasingly embedding threat monitoring capabilities within a variety of applications to make it easier to hunt for malware. But even when vendors decide to make threat detection...

/ September 25, 2018