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MailerMailer, makers of IT marketing automation tool Presstacular, recently took an informal poll of a couple hundred IT professionals and created an infographic that I think you’ll enjoy.

Here are some quick highlights: We found that more than 75 percent of IT professionals work more than 40 hours a week. Most of them have a hard time unplugging for downtime, too. More than 87 percent reported that they work during vacations, and 90 percent of IT business owners work on weekends.raj infographic 1

The poll splits IT workers by executives and team members and covers work-related topics as well as fun facts like what time IT pros start and end their work day, what time they go to bed, how many cups of coffee they drink, and more.raj infographic 2


Individual infographics for each question in the poll are available for you to share or post to your site or social media. The infographics are available here:

Individual Habits of IT Professionals Infographic Series

Full Habits of IT Professionals Infographic

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Raj Khera

Posted by Raj Khera

Raj Khera is the author of No. 1 Amazon Bestseller, The IT Marketing Crash Course, and CEO of MailerMailer, makers of Presstacular — an affordable, automated marketing tool for small MSPs. He has built and sold three other technology businesses.

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