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News emerged this week that Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos had his phone hacked. Regardless of what you think of all that drama, it is yet another example that nobody is completely secure.

Despite the financial and technology resources Bezos has, this is the second time that his phone has been hacked. Bezos isn’t just any run-of-the-mill wealthy guy. He runs one of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms and Amazon Web Services, Amazon’s cloud infrastructure arm.

You would think that a man with access to some of the world’s top engineering and computer security minds would have a highly secure phone — but apparently not. What does this mean to you as an MSP trying to protect your clients?

It means that anyone, regardless of who they are and how much money and technical resources they have, they can be hacked. That’s kind of discouraging, but it needn’t be. You just have to re-imagine the way you think about security.

It’s not about absolutes

As the Bezos phone incident shows us, there are no absolutes when it comes to security. You have to protect what you can as best you can with the understanding that sometimes, no matter how many precautions you take, well-funded and smart hackers are going to win.

That doesn’t mean you give up. There are so many startups and established companies out there trying to help secure all aspects of a company, whether that’s in a modern context like containers and continuous development, in the cloud, or onpremise data centers using firewalls.

Whatever you’re doing, you just have to make sure you’re protecting your customers in ways that make sense to them and how they do business. You have to look at what’s most important to them and make every effort to protect them from obvious kinds of openings that can lead to attacks.

You can always be excused if you get outsmarted, but you can’t be if you’re careless. As we learned this week, it doesn’t matter who you are, your technical abilities, or how much money you have. Anyone and everyone is vulnerable to hacking. The only thing you can do is take control of as many elements of your security as possible, and revisit these measures often to ensure you’re protecting yourself and your clients to the best of your ability.

Photo: Morrowind / Shutterstock

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Ron Miller

Posted by Ron Miller

Ron Miller is a freelance technology reporter and blogger. He is contributing editor at EContent Magazine and enterprise reporter at TechCrunch.

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