Results for: Ask an MSP Expert

AI is just a tool to make you work smarter

AI is just a tool to make you work smarter

It’s common to think of artificial intelligence as something you either have or don’t. It’s often talked about in the kinds of terms associated with an “arms-race,” where one company or country is going to gain an upper hand over...

/ February 21, 2019
Digital business transformation drives IT modernization opportunities

Digital business transformation drives IT modernization opportunities

Rising investments in digital business transformation initiatives are starting to deliver some surprising dividends for IT services providers in the form of modernization opportunities. Spiceworks, on behalf of CenturyLink a provider of telecommunications and managed services, recently conducted a survey...

/ February 7, 2019
You could learn a lot by watching Amazon

You could learn a lot by watching Amazon

You could learn a lot by watching what Amazon does as a company. It may be much larger than yours, but there are certain actions and guiding principles from the company that are worth paying attention to.

/ January 18, 2019
Are chatbots the next major cyber security threat?

Are chatbots the next major cyber security threat?

Me: “Where can I find a course catalogue online?” SmooSmoo: “Yep, I believe I know this one. 😉 I’ve found there’s an answer for your question, but it is not a public article. You need to login first to reveal the...

/ January 16, 2019
Can malware physically damage a computer?

Can malware physically damage a computer?

The idea that a computer virus could damage hardware is something that has plagued the cyber community. Some of the more sensational stories out there suggest that it’s possible to send a bomb via email. I stumbled upon this article,...

/ December 19, 2018 / 2 Comments
Eliminating IT services competition through differentiation

Eliminating IT services competition through differentiation

How many times have you lost an opportunity to a competitor? It’s happened to me countless times over the years, and it never feels good. It’s even worse when I’ve invested hours—sometimes way too many—into crafting the perfect proposal, sometimes...

/ November 5, 2018
A matter of life and death

A matter of life and death

We recently looked at medical device security and how MSPs can work in the market.  As the IoT grows to include more and more of peoples’ daily lives, it is becoming more important to place some focus on this topic....

/ October 31, 2018
The era of the cloud mafia?

The era of the cloud mafia?

As a third-generation Italian-American growing up in the Midwest, I was used to hearing about the feared Mafia, either in the stories of older relatives or in the misguided attempts at humor by school kids.

/ October 24, 2018
Threat hunting could be very good for managed services providers

Threat hunting could be very good for managed services providers

In their zeal to be seen to be doing more about cybersecurity, vendors are increasingly embedding threat monitoring capabilities within a variety of applications to make it easier to hunt for malware. But even when vendors decide to make threat detection...

/ September 25, 2018
network management
Network Management: In Search of a Few Good GUIs

Network Management: In Search of a Few Good GUIs

Most of the time, interacting with electronic devices is as simple as point and click. In many instances, you don’t even have to think very hard about where to point, thanks to the richly intuitive tools that have evolved out...

/ August 20, 2018