Tag: Ask an MSP Expert

Ask an MSP Expert is a weekly advice column answering common questions from MSPs and IT service providers. It covers topics ranging from pricing and selling to marketing and communications—and everything in between.

Protecting remote workers from COVID-19 phishing attacks

Protecting remote workers from COVID-19 phishing attacks

Q: One of our customers’ remote workers recently clicked a phishing link. While we were able to prevent the attack from ultimately being successful, this is quite concerning, especially since remote workers are not within a secured network. How can...

/ May 18, 2020 / 1 Comment
Ask an MSP Expert: How email continuity can save an SMB customer

Ask an MSP Expert: How email continuity can save an SMB customer

Q: I understand the purpose of email continuity, but what makes it so valuable that my MSP should offer it to our customers? Which types of SMB customers will need email continuity the most? Email continuity is a very valuable...

/ May 11, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How do we protect our healthcare clients’ data?

Ask an MSP Expert: How do we protect our healthcare clients’ data?

Q: We have a growing number of healthcare clients. Maintaining their security used to be not that much different from our other customers, but with the explosion of IoT, there are so many more threats that they are susceptible to....

/ May 4, 2020 / 2 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: Caring about CARES

Ask an MSP Expert: Caring about CARES

Q: My MSP has several clients who are unable to pay because they now have customers who aren’t paying them. I’ve thought about applying for a loan through the CARES Act. Do you think this a good idea? Before we...

/ April 27, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I convince clients to add VPNs for a remote workforce?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I convince clients to add VPNs for a remote workforce?

Q: We are now supporting more clients with remote workers than we ever have before. We see using VPNs as a very useful tool for helping to securing their workforces, but some clients are reluctant to use them. What can...

/ April 20, 2020 / 6 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?

Ask an MSP Expert: What is conversation hijacking and how can I protect against it?

Q: Lately we have heard a lot about emerging conversation hijacking threats. What does conversation hijacking entail and how can my MSP business prevent it from negatively affecting our customers? Hackers and other bad actors are always inventing new methods...

/ March 30, 2020 / 12 Comments
Ask an MSP Expert: How should my MSP go about offering health insurance to my employees?

Ask an MSP Expert: How should my MSP go about offering health insurance to my employees?

Q: My MSP is rapidly growing. When should I start offering my technician and office staff health insurance and what are the best ways to start exploring my options? As an MSP, you are accustomed to answering questions about patching...

/ March 17, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: What are some common HIPAA missteps and how can my MSP avoid them?

Ask an MSP Expert: What are some common HIPAA missteps and how can my MSP avoid them?

Q: My MSP partners with clients that frequently work with sensitive medical data that falls under HIPAA protections. How can my MSP ensure that this data remains protected and that our clients are not subjected to penalties from HIPAA? Despite...

/ March 10, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP keep up with the regulatory landscape for data protection?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP keep up with the regulatory landscape for data protection?

Q: The regulatory landscape is continually changing, and I know that the price for inadvertently running afoul of a data law can be steep. What are the best ways to stay on top of the rapidly changing regulatory landscape for...

/ February 17, 2020
Ask an MSP Expert: How can I make sure my customers are secure online?

Ask an MSP Expert: How can I make sure my customers are secure online?

Q: One of my customers recently fell victim to a suspicious download from a fraudulent website. How can I prevent this in the future? Attacks through websites are not uncommon. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated with attack vectors such as drive-by downloads and malvertising,...

/ February 10, 2020