Tag: MSP opportunity

Service for tracking products specifically employed by MSPs enters beta

Service for tracking products specifically employed by MSPs enters beta

While there is no shortage of online sites that compare products for end users, the number of sites that provide a similar service for managed service providers (MSPs) has been comparatively slight. MSP Navigator is now beta testing a namesake...

/ January 9, 2020
Identity access management emerges as major opportunity for MSPs in 2020

Identity access management emerges as major opportunity for MSPs in 2020

Managed service providers (MSPs) are keeping an eye out for any opportunity to expand the portfolio of services they offer. The challenge is determining what pain point affects a broad enough range of customers to financially sustain a practice. At...

/ January 7, 2020
MSPs need to get business leaders more involved in cybersecurity decisions

MSPs need to get business leaders more involved in cybersecurity decisions

Managed service providers (MSPs) have been benefiting from increased spending on security software and services throughout the past year. However, while industry analysts report that spending on security has, on average, increased by 9 percent on a year-over-year basis, a...

/ January 2, 2020
Cybersecurity opportunities for MSPs in 2020

Cybersecurity opportunities for MSPs in 2020

Buckle up because 2020 promises to be quite a ride for MSPs that offer cybersecurity services. The MSP Expo, the annual gathering of stakeholders from across the spectrum, has declared that “2020 will be the year of MSP cybersecurity.” We...

/ January 2, 2020
How MSPs can go beyond surviving, to thriving

How MSPs can go beyond surviving, to thriving

The competitive landscape for MSPs is evolving rapidly. Let’s start with the perspective that matters the most — that of your clients. They are human, like you and me, and we are all becoming less patient and forgiving of services...

/ January 1, 2020
Can your MSP benefit from podcasting?

Can your MSP benefit from podcasting?

Remember when videos were the next big thing? Videos were on every platform you logged on to; Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, even Pinterest. Eventually, every business was using video as a form of marketing content. Companies using video were no longer...

/ December 31, 2019
Edge computing consortiums start to multiply to the benefit of MSPs

Edge computing consortiums start to multiply to the benefit of MSPs

When vendors band together to promote the adoption of a standard via a consortium, it’s usually a sign that it will benefit managed service providers (MSPs). At the Edge Computing World Conference this week, the Eclipse Foundation, which now oversees...

/ December 12, 2019
Shift to the hybrid cloud drives increased reliance on MSPs

Shift to the hybrid cloud drives increased reliance on MSPs

Just about everyone agrees that more application workloads will be moving into the cloud. The only real question now, is to what degree. A survey of 508 IT professionals conducted by Internap (INAP), a provider of managed services, finds that...

/ December 3, 2019
Hybrid cloud computing opportunity starts to manifest for MSPs

Hybrid cloud computing opportunity starts to manifest for MSPs

Most IT organizations want to embrace hybrid cloud computing, but most are far away from achieving that goal. In fact, a survey of 2,650 IT professionals conducted by the research firm Vanson Bourne, on behalf of Nutanix, suggests a large...

/ November 19, 2019
Helping SMBs find the balance between low and high-tech cybersecurity strategies

Helping SMBs find the balance between low and high-tech cybersecurity strategies

Cybersecurity is among the top priorities for companies concerned with growing threats. Yet, many SMBs are not making cybersecurity a top priority. In fact, 43 percent of cyberattacks are targeted at SMBs, but only 14 percent are prepared for an...

/ October 24, 2019