Tag: MSPs

Small businesses are increasingly looking to MSPs
Research suggests that the already substantial MSP market is growing at a fast clip. That’s because more companies are choosing to outsource their IT functions, especially as the technology mission changes to managing cloud services and building an increasingly automated environment.

Cloud transition is still a struggle for many organizations
The cloud is hardly new, and public cloud growth numbers suggest that we are finally starting to reach a tipping point for cloud adoption. Yet thirteen years after AWS launched the first modern cloud service, an Accenture survey finds that...

Ask an MSP Expert: How can my MSP prepare for an economic recession?
Q: Right now, we have more business than we can handle, and cash flow is exceeding our projections for the year. Still, I get nervous and worry about the next downturn. Is there something I should be doing now to prepare...

How MSPs help grow startups
When you think of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), you probably think of companies that provide IT services for small and medium sized businesses, but these companies can be more than that. They can help grow startups too. That’s because MSPs...

Your local restaurant might be an IoT hotspot
What telecommuter hasn’t used McDonalds or Starbucks as an office away from the office? I know I’ve spent plenty of hours under those famous golden arches while on the road. The unsecured guest Wi-Fi flows as smoothly as the coffee,...

Percentage of channel partners offering managed services achieves critical mass
It’s been a very long time coming, but it looks like there may finally be more channel partners offering managed services than traditional break-fix services. A survey of subscribers published this week by ChannelPro finds the number of partners offering...

Automation challenges for MSPs to overcome
Previously, we examined why MSPs should move on from manually documenting systems, in favor of automation. Manual documentation comes with far too many of its own challenges to justify a status of being the preferred method of documentation. In its...

Helping SMBs overcome their technology growth fears
When I started in IT support, most office networks consisted of a server room, some desktop computers, and maybe a few printers and scanners. This meant the default 192.168.1.X range was enough for more than a hundred staff. That’s far...

CompTIA: SMBs’ IT spending trends cut both ways for MSPs
Not too long ago, it would have been safe for managed service providers to assume most small-to-medium business (SMBs) would be considered laggards in adopting new and emerging technologies. But a survey of 650 SMBs conducted by CompTIA, an IT...

IoT starts to emerge as major opportunity for MSPs
The reality surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) may finally be starting to live up to the hype. A global survey of 1,758 businesses conducted by Vodafone finds that more than a third (34 percent) have implemented IoT, with 70...